Mrs. Davidson's irritation was palpable as she glared at Romeo. "Why are you at all concerned about this vagabond standing here?" she snapped, as her voice was dripping with scorn. "I tell you, this man's presence irritates me. Anytime he is here, it is either he is begging for money, food, or he is causing trouble. He doesn't deserve any right to speak in our midst, let alone step on my carpet."

Gregory glanced at Mrs. Davidson with a look of unease, but his tone was soothing as he spoke. "Mrs. Davidson, just take it easy on the young fella," he urged. "I know that from all indications, this man is a scrawny, poor fellow who doesn't know how to take care of himself, but sometimes, you need to just be considerate."

Mrs. Davidson let out a deep, exasperated sigh, which expressed her irritation. "Okay, how much do you need this time?" she asked Romeo, with a voice that was tinged with begrudging tolerance.

Romeo, standing with a rigid posture, met her gaze unwaveringly. "No, Mrs. Davids
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