Chapter 52: "Take a seat, Dorian."

The sound of cars honking and neighbors arguing occupied the larger part of Dorian’s thoughts as he settled in for the night.

Right before he hit the bed, he took a deep breath and navigated his way around the notification screen of the Skills system.

The Destroying Intellectually skill glowed when he tapped on it, and the system announced,


All through the night Dorian’s eyes were wide open while he was on the bed.

He still contemplated if this was the right choice to make.

Dorian felt anxiousness build up in him because this was the first time he would try something like this, but he hoped that it wouldn’t have a consequence that would be too much to bear.

Dorian waited until he began to frown.

He had been waiting for ideas to come in, but no idea was coming in.

Wasn’t that how this was supposed to work?

He had gone through the properties of this one-time feature, and it had said the ”Destroying intellectually” feature would
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