That's not a word you'd expect to describe someone who had just crash landed on an isolated island after watching a shuttle with 85 passengers still inside get destroyed by terrorists. But focused was the word to describe Carter as he climbed out of the escape pod and took stock of his surroundings.
They had landed on the beach of the island about 500 yards from the shore. To his right nothing but empty ocean, to his left a densely overgrown forest. It was warm, humid. But there was a breeze. The air tasted of salt, but there was a faint putrid scent. As though an animal had died somewhere deeper in the forest. They should be careful, there may be predators.
Carter watched as the others filed out of the pod and wandered in circles in shock. If they were going to survive they'd need to work together. Carter sighed. And that meant dealing with people. First things first, he needed to get everyone to function. It was so much easier with machines. He didn't know how humans worked. Never could figure it out.
He started calling for everyone to come together "alright. Let's all gather around in a circle. If we're going to survive this we need to work together and be efficient. Let's start with introductions. Everyone state their name and profession. I'm Carter, I'm an engineer." He gestured to the one at his left.
"Um... My name is Dan and I was in charge of inventory."
"Great, thank you, Dan. And you?" He said gesturing to the next.
"I'm Mike and I did maintenance and janitorial work."
They continued down the line, Carter forgetting most of the names within seconds of hearing them. They had a Geologist, a Crew Manager, a Resource Manager, some experienced Astronauts, and a couple more maintenance workers.
They continued down the line until they got to the first woman in the group.
"I'm Emily and I was the Head chef."
"Thank you, Emily." Carter turned to the man who had been yelling at him in a state of panic.
"I'm Kevin and I'm a construction worker. They brought me to help build on the new world."
Lastly, he turned to the woman directly to his right. "And you are?"
"I'm Angela and I'm a Microbiologist."
She must have been one of the Scientists lucky enough to get first looks on the new terrain. Or at least it had seemed lucky at the time.
"Alright. Dan, go see what we have for supplies, he gestures to the resource manager, "you go help him and work out how to ration supplies." He turns to the geologist "I would love to hear anything you might be able to guess about where we are" pointing at the crew manager he says "you take everyone else and get them working on shelter and anything else that might be useful. I'm gonna see what I can do about sending for help."
In the next hour, Carter learned two very valuable things. That geologists are completely useless, and that no amount of angry willpower could make a radio function if it had a broken circuit board. Not even with the motivation of how useless the geologist was. Why hadn't the radio been more impact resistant? In all fairness, it probably wouldn't get signal in another star system so it wasn't that surprising it wasn't made a priority. However, it made their situation a lot worse than it was already.
Dan and the Resource Manager had informed them that there were enough supplies to last them all three days comfortably, five if they were willing to make themselves miserable. After that, they'd be forced to find food and water on the island.
Water wouldn't be hard to come by, they could build a basic distiller with some of the supplies on the pod to make the ocean water drinkable. But food would require them to venture into the forest with no information as to what else might be living there.
Having given up on the radio Carter went to see where he could make himself useful. He saw the crew manager directing Kevin and some other workers to build some makeshift tents out of cloth and driftwood they'd found on the beach.
Walking up to the manager, what was his name Justin? Carter greeted him. "How's the camp coming along?"
"Well enough. Most of these people aren't used to this kind of hard labor but we'll have it done by tonight."
"What about that one?" Carter asked pointing towards Kevin hammering a makeshift support post into the ground, "know anything about him?"
"Who Kevin? A real rags to riches sort of story. I hired him myself. He grew up in poverty as the only white kid in his neighborhood. He had it rough growing up, his father was an abusive addict, his mother turned to prostitution just to pay the bills." He turned away as one of the workers called from across the camp.
"Hey Joseph! Where do you want us to put the wood we can't use?"
Joseph! That was it. Carter thought.
"Bring it over to Emily she's building a cook fire!" He yelled back.
Turning back to Carter he said "He grew up fighting to eat, fighting to survive, he couldn't leave his house without getting cornered by some group of kids just because he stood out. His whole childhood he had to prove himself, had to look tough and strong and brave all the time. He had to pick fights he knew he couldn't win just to get the others to respect him. It's certainly carried over into his adult life. But it motivated him to achieve more."
"He certainly seems to have achieved a lot." Carter replied, absorbing all of this new information. He began to feel a measure of sympathy for him.
Joseph nodded in agreement, "That's how he ended up hired to work on another planet when he was too busy taking care of his dying mother to finish highschool. Cancer took her, appearantly his dad died of 'mysterious' circumstances. You'd be amazed the kind of information you end up with when you hire for these kinds of jobs. Confidential of course, But that hardly seems to matter given the circumstances. I tell you this so you might have a little sympathy for him. I know he can be abrasive but he's really not a bad guy."
"I'll certainly keep that in mind." Carter replied. No wonder Kevin acted so unstable. It must be hard for him to deal with his trauma while still acting like nothing scared him.
"The people listen to you." Joseph observed, "you're a natural leader. Your mind would be put to good use managing others."
"It probably would." Carter replied, "but people don't interest me. I don't enjoy their company and all they seem to enjoy doing is fucking me over the first chance they get."
"You say that like you aren't one."
"Maybe that's because I don't feel like One." Carter said walking away.
He made his way over to Emily trying to build a fire. "Would you like a hand with that?" He asked.
"I can handle it." She said in a guarded voice.
"I'm sure you can." He replied, "but couldn't two people handle it as well or better? I have nothing else to do."
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye for a moment. "I guess having the help wouldn't hurt"
Carter squatted down and started shaving off more bits of wood for kindling. While he did Emily gathered together small sticks to restructure the initial fire with. Carter saw a small pile of similar sticks that were singed but clearly never lit properly.
Once Carter had made proper kindling they built a cone structure around it with sticks. Once it was finished they took turns using the flint and steel from the emergency supplies to light the kindling, then turns blowing on the ember to get it started. Before too long they had a proper fire going.
"See? Having help isn't so bad is it?" Carter said as he stood to walk away.
"No..." Emily said quietly, "thank you."
Carter stopped and glanced back. He didn't think those words left her mouth very often. "You're welcome." He said, then continued walking as he went out onto a sand dune to observe the camp.
The sun was starting to drop over the horizon. The day had gone by quickly but they'd gotten a lot accomplished. Carter watched the camp for a while before walking down to the fire. He found himself sitting next to Angela as Emily handed him a small bowl of stew, no doubt made from rehydrated ingredients. He thanked Emily and then turned to look at Angela.
"So how did you end up on the shuttle?" He asked Angela taking a bite of stew. It tasted about as good as he could expect emergency supplies to but he ate without complaint.
"I was always the most innovative scientist in my lab so it made the most sense for me to go. What about you?"
Carter chuckled. "I served coffee and kissed ass for 8 months until they started taking me seriously."
She laughed slightly. "You don't strike me as a kiss-ass."
"I'm not. But I'm a very good actor when I want to be."
"So you conned your way in then."
"I wouldn't say conned, I'm a good engineer!" He said feigning offense.
"Is that why you did such an amazing job getting that radio working?" She asked laughing genuinely this time.
"Oh shut up," Carter said, laughing as well. He liked her. She seemed to have more personality than the rest.
As the sun began to set and as it got darker there was a sudden noise in the woods. Trees crashed together, it sounded like things were breaking. So loud it could have been anywhere on the island. As it got darker it was followed by shouts and howls. They sounded primitive but almost human. Distorted, but human.
"What the fuck is that?" Kevin broke the silence.
"I don't know. But I hope we don't find out" someone else said. Everyone mutters in agreement.
"It's dark," Carter said. "Let's try to get some sleep."
"You're gonna try to sleep with whatever that God awful noise is all night?" Kevin demanded.
"We don't have a lot of choices," Carter pointed out. "I'm sure there's something in the pod we can use as earplugs."
"Fuck that. I'm not just gonna lay here and wait for whatever that is to come find us. I'm gonna go check it out. We should at least know what to prepare for."
"I don't think that would be wise. It could be a dangerous predator or even natives to this island. You'll be at a disadvantage in the dark when you don't know the terrain."
"I can't just sit here and do nothing!" Kevin insisted.
"Alright fine. If you want to help the rest of us stretch our supplies further be my guest."
Kevin hesitated for a second, then stocked off into the wilderness. Everything was silent save for the mysterious yelling coming from the forest.
Several minutes passed with no one saying a word. After what felt like a very long while the yelling was interrupted by one long, piercing and very human scream.
Everyone was silent, looking that direction in horror. Then as if by unspoken consent they all got up and went into their tents. The noise had quieted down significantly after the scream, but Carter would have bet a years wage that no one was sleeping.
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ISLAND Chapter 3
The second day on the island went by both quickly and slowly for Carter. Everyone was exhausted from not sleeping the night before, but they all acted as though nothing was wrong.Everyone stayed busy and went about their day. As if by unspoken consent they all avoided any mention of Kevin or any of the events that occurred.They gathered more firewood, discussed supplies, but beyond that, no one really spoke to each other. And there was one topic everyone avoided most, the inevitable expedition into the woods that would have to occur when they ran out of food.That night everyone went to bed early as though if they were in their tents when the noise started it would be any less terrifying. Carter wondered again what it was, what had happened to Kevin. And he wondered how long it would take for them to get so exhausted they were able to sleep through it.Carter didn't remember dozing off but he remembered being awoken by a large clap of thunder as a storm hit. Rain began pelting his t
ISLAND Chapter 4
Carter lay awake in his cot, replaying the day over and over in his head. He kept imagining Kevin's body hanging lifeless from the tree, he couldn't get the image out of his head. The worst part to consider was how he died.He wished he didn't know, he wished he could be blissfully ignorant and believe it had been a quick death, but he knew better. The way he'd been impaled he had to have been alive up there for hours before he finally bled out. Whatever had killed him didn't even have the mercy to finish the job.Carter hadn't liked Kevin but he certainly didn't deserve that. He came back to the same thought he kept having; what were these creatures? Where had they come from? He wasn't sure he wanted to find out.His thoughts shifted to the moment they'd found him, the way he'd held Emily. He hoped he hadn't overstepped. Emily seemed to trust him and he certainly didn't want to breach that, his protective nature had just broken through, but he hoped he hadn't done the wrong thing. Ev
ISLAND Chapter 5
The forest was silent. Too silent. There should be birds, animals, something. Why was it so empty? Weren't deserted islands supposed to have some kind of wildlife? Maybe not, he hadn't even seen any animals since... Well, it didn't matter. But something was certainly unnerving about the lack of any living creature.It also brought up the disturbing thought of what the animals that howled at night ate. Or what the rotten smell that was getting stronger the deeper they went into the forest could be coming from."Is something wrong?" Angela asked seeming hesitant and uneasy."Why are there no animals?""Maybe this island was never inhabited by anything.""Then what's howling at night? And why does it smell like rotting flesh?""This could be some kind of forgotten base or prison.""It's possible. Doesn't explain the howling though. Something is still alive here.""Maybe it was some kind of offshore mental institution that got abandoned and the patients escaped. Maybe they come out every
ISLAND Chapter 6
The mess hall was a complete disaster. Some people had been in the middle of a meal when the breach had happened. There was rotten food and bodies everywhere, tables were flipped and broken, smashed dishes littered the floor. The storage wasn't in much better shape, they didn't even have the stomach to look look in the fridges and large chest freezers. There were rotten fruits and vegetables and moldy bread on the shelves. Searching the room they found some freeze dried nutrient bars, dried fruit, and jerky. Grabbing as much as they could as quickly as possible they stuffed it all into backpacks they had salvaged from a few of the guards.Moving on from the mess hall Angela followed Carter who had memorized the path to the armory. They had hardly spoken since looking through the archives. Carter knew manufacturing supersoldiers was a very real and achievable concept but he didn't think anyone would actually be working on things like that. Not since...His thought was interrupted as th
ISLAND Prologue
Alarms sounded, red lights flashing.Justin looked at the cameras. Another breach.A calm voice came through the intercom. "This is not a drill, all guards to holding cell C. I repeat, this is not a drill."It was Oscar, captain of the mercenaries stationed here. Not that his name meant much. Names stopped mattering down here, away from friends and families. Justin doubted anyone even knew his name. All he had was numbers. 143rd to be hired, 5th breach this week, if he died tonight he'd be the 56th casualty.Just another number.When he had agreed to work in this God-forsaken compound it had been with the understanding that he could leave when things got ugly. But now he understood the truth. He could never leave. Not when he knew so much. And the pay wouldn't be much use then.He stood, reaching for his gun, as though it'd do any good if things went sour. He knew the drill, laughing gas and more sedatives. Thicker walls of stronger metal. What happened when it stopped working?He too
ISLAND Chapter 1
Free. Truly free.Carter walked the ship looking down at the earth below. All of his hard work was finally paying off. He took a deep breath reveling in the moment.They were in orbit now. In just a few minutes they'd be flying to lands uncharted. He'd help build a base for scientists and astronauts to stay at and study the new terrain.He turned in a circle, not for the first time wondering at the size of the spacecraft. With 95 total passengers, it was the largest spacecraft to make it off the ground to date. Carter still couldn't stop thinking about the genius that went into making something so large get airborne.Wouldn't they be leaving soon? Carter was impatient to get away from the planet he called home.The thought was interrupted by a sudden voice coming on the intercom. "Be advised we have just received threats from an unknown party who seems to be against the exploration of foreign planets. We are, at the time, unsure of the validity of these threats but you have orders to
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Chapter 6
The mess hall was a complete disaster. Some people had been in the middle of a meal when the breach had happened. There was rotten food and bodies everywhere, tables were flipped and broken, smashed dishes littered the floor. The storage wasn't in much better shape, they didn't even have the stomach to look look in the fridges and large chest freezers. There were rotten fruits and vegetables and moldy bread on the shelves. Searching the room they found some freeze dried nutrient bars, dried fruit, and jerky. Grabbing as much as they could as quickly as possible they stuffed it all into backpacks they had salvaged from a few of the guards.Moving on from the mess hall Angela followed Carter who had memorized the path to the armory. They had hardly spoken since looking through the archives. Carter knew manufacturing supersoldiers was a very real and achievable concept but he didn't think anyone would actually be working on things like that. Not since...His thought was interrupted as th
Chapter 5
The forest was silent. Too silent. There should be birds, animals, something. Why was it so empty? Weren't deserted islands supposed to have some kind of wildlife? Maybe not, he hadn't even seen any animals since... Well, it didn't matter. But something was certainly unnerving about the lack of any living creature.It also brought up the disturbing thought of what the animals that howled at night ate. Or what the rotten smell that was getting stronger the deeper they went into the forest could be coming from."Is something wrong?" Angela asked seeming hesitant and uneasy."Why are there no animals?""Maybe this island was never inhabited by anything.""Then what's howling at night? And why does it smell like rotting flesh?""This could be some kind of forgotten base or prison.""It's possible. Doesn't explain the howling though. Something is still alive here.""Maybe it was some kind of offshore mental institution that got abandoned and the patients escaped. Maybe they come out every
Chapter 4
Carter lay awake in his cot, replaying the day over and over in his head. He kept imagining Kevin's body hanging lifeless from the tree, he couldn't get the image out of his head. The worst part to consider was how he died.He wished he didn't know, he wished he could be blissfully ignorant and believe it had been a quick death, but he knew better. The way he'd been impaled he had to have been alive up there for hours before he finally bled out. Whatever had killed him didn't even have the mercy to finish the job.Carter hadn't liked Kevin but he certainly didn't deserve that. He came back to the same thought he kept having; what were these creatures? Where had they come from? He wasn't sure he wanted to find out.His thoughts shifted to the moment they'd found him, the way he'd held Emily. He hoped he hadn't overstepped. Emily seemed to trust him and he certainly didn't want to breach that, his protective nature had just broken through, but he hoped he hadn't done the wrong thing. Ev
Chapter 3
The second day on the island went by both quickly and slowly for Carter. Everyone was exhausted from not sleeping the night before, but they all acted as though nothing was wrong.Everyone stayed busy and went about their day. As if by unspoken consent they all avoided any mention of Kevin or any of the events that occurred.They gathered more firewood, discussed supplies, but beyond that, no one really spoke to each other. And there was one topic everyone avoided most, the inevitable expedition into the woods that would have to occur when they ran out of food.That night everyone went to bed early as though if they were in their tents when the noise started it would be any less terrifying. Carter wondered again what it was, what had happened to Kevin. And he wondered how long it would take for them to get so exhausted they were able to sleep through it.Carter didn't remember dozing off but he remembered being awoken by a large clap of thunder as a storm hit. Rain began pelting his t
Chapter 2
Focused.That's not a word you'd expect to describe someone who had just crash landed on an isolated island after watching a shuttle with 85 passengers still inside get destroyed by terrorists. But focused was the word to describe Carter as he climbed out of the escape pod and took stock of his surroundings.They had landed on the beach of the island about 500 yards from the shore. To his right nothing but empty ocean, to his left a densely overgrown forest. It was warm, humid. But there was a breeze. The air tasted of salt, but there was a faint putrid scent. As though an animal had died somewhere deeper in the forest. They should be careful, there may be predators.Carter watched as the others filed out of the pod and wandered in circles in shock. If they were going to survive they'd need to work together. Carter sighed. And that meant dealing with people. First things first, he needed to get everyone to function. It was so much easier with machines. He didn't know how humans worked
Chapter 1
Free. Truly free.Carter walked the ship looking down at the earth below. All of his hard work was finally paying off. He took a deep breath reveling in the moment.They were in orbit now. In just a few minutes they'd be flying to lands uncharted. He'd help build a base for scientists and astronauts to stay at and study the new terrain.He turned in a circle, not for the first time wondering at the size of the spacecraft. With 95 total passengers, it was the largest spacecraft to make it off the ground to date. Carter still couldn't stop thinking about the genius that went into making something so large get airborne.Wouldn't they be leaving soon? Carter was impatient to get away from the planet he called home.The thought was interrupted by a sudden voice coming on the intercom. "Be advised we have just received threats from an unknown party who seems to be against the exploration of foreign planets. We are, at the time, unsure of the validity of these threats but you have orders to
Alarms sounded, red lights flashing.Justin looked at the cameras. Another breach.A calm voice came through the intercom. "This is not a drill, all guards to holding cell C. I repeat, this is not a drill."It was Oscar, captain of the mercenaries stationed here. Not that his name meant much. Names stopped mattering down here, away from friends and families. Justin doubted anyone even knew his name. All he had was numbers. 143rd to be hired, 5th breach this week, if he died tonight he'd be the 56th casualty.Just another number.When he had agreed to work in this God-forsaken compound it had been with the understanding that he could leave when things got ugly. But now he understood the truth. He could never leave. Not when he knew so much. And the pay wouldn't be much use then.He stood, reaching for his gun, as though it'd do any good if things went sour. He knew the drill, laughing gas and more sedatives. Thicker walls of stronger metal. What happened when it stopped working?He too