Chapter 55

"Okay, forget Kanchan for a second," Vidhur conceded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Let's talk about the IAS officer you read about in the news, the one who got arrested."

Haneesha nodded, her frown returning. "Yeah, it just doesn't make sense," she said. "She was the topper, the brightest of the bunch, aced the exam in one shot. They called her 'Lady Hero' - a symbol of honesty and service. No one stumbles into that kind of career by accident. Imagine the years of dedication it took, the sheer force of intelligence. She became an IAS officer at a young age, her father a DGP himself!"

Vidhur listened intently, his respect for Haneesha's passion growing. "And then," she continued, her voice filled with frustration, "she falls in love with this lower-caste guy, an SP. Marries him against her family's wishes, a true act of courage. Even after twenty years, her father, still bitter, plots revenge. Politics get dirty, and suddenly, the Lady Hero becomes the victim. Locked away, dep
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