Chapter Seven

"Well, that sounded like fun."

"It wasn't so bad, actually. But I was really uncomfortable at first."

"Why? Did she come at you?"


Her laugh boomed through the loudspeaker, and all over Joshua's living room. He simply shook his head as his partner continued to cackle mercilessly.

"You're just exaggerating," he said. "No one came at anything." He picked up the bowl on his table and guided some noodles into his mouth using chopsticks. He closed his eyes and grinned widely. It was his first taste of noodles in ages, and he never knew he'd missed it that much. He had the chef of Springs Hotel to thank dearly. And Eleanor too.

"If you say so, tough guy." She chuckled.

"So, are you going to tell me what you fished out, or do I have to wring it out from you?"

"I thought we were going with you first."

"I've already spilled everything that needs to be spilled. Now it's your turn."

Shuffling sounds were all over the background, making it sound like she was looking for something amongst a rubble of paper.

"Ah! Here we go." She cleared her throat twice and began to talk like she read from a book.

"On the 15th of July 2021, Jennifer Walters was part of the team that had just concluded a 32-hour surgical procedure on the heart of an eighty year old woman from Ipswich, in Manchester. And she has both the alibi and witnesses to back her up. One the same day, Martha Walters was on a plane with her husband to Pretoria in South Africa, where he was to present a structural design for a new bridge pillar to members of a board meeting. Again, with a solid alibi and with witnesses."

"Okay, okay. So they didn't do it. Doesn't mean they might not know who did. What else did they reveal?"

More rustling sounds came from the background. Then:

"They both said similar things pertaining to what John's childhood looked like. His personality, behavioural habits, even his favourite meal and TV show." Tracy wasn't reading from a piece of paper this time. And Joshua was busy comparing his findings with what he heard.

"Eleanor mentioned his friend, Shawn Zachary." He said. "Any findings on that guy?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked." Tracy sounded genuinely pleased. Another rustling noise and she began to read again.

"Born on the 22nd of August 1971, Shawn Hector Zachary moved into Chesterfield Springs in the autumn of 1983, where he began schooling in Chesterfield Springs High School in '85. After completing highschool education in '88, he remained in Chesterfield Springs for a year due to unavailable means to take him further in his education.

"Eventually, due to the kind gesture of an anonymous individual, he soon found himself enrolled in a prestigious college in Chicago, where he was awarded a scholarship program for the entirety of his study there."

Well, that's one lucky fella, Joshua thought. He avoided the cycle of rejected and disgraced. Not a lot of people did. And most of those people were equally intelligent, if not more.

"Fast forward to today," Tracy continued. "He's currently one of the most well known lawyers in the southern half of the country. And one of the most expensive to hire. He's currently the defence of many celebrities, sport athletes, and media personalities. Pretty neat, huh?"

"Nice," Joshua approved. "Good job, Tracy."

"Why, thank you." Her voice indicated a smile.

Joshua tapped the screen of his watch. 11:36pm, it read. He looked at the laptop in front him and sighed.

"It's getting late, Tracy." He said suddenly. "Get some rest. We'll continue tomorrow."

With that, he hung up.

Joshua pulled the laptop across the table, closer to himself. He stared at it for a while, as if trying to decide whether to open it, or go to bed.

After minutes of contemplation, he flipped it open.

There was more to what was going on, and Joshua intended to find out.

"I'm Joshua Mulligan. One of the detectives in charge of your brother's case. Mind if I ask a few questions?"

Daniel Walters wore a blank expression on his young handsome face. He simply stared back at the detective for a second, then he proceeded to open the door.

Joshua stepped in as Daniel closed the door behind them. He led the way into his apartment.

It was the same building as the one Johnathan stayed in, but his apartment was on the second floor, upstairs. And that section had been off limits since the incident. So, many people found themselves in the rooms downstairs, or on the upper floor.

He led Joshua to the kitchen, which was facing the living room.

"Have a seat," he said as he opened the fridge. Joshua sat on one of the tall stools positioned at the kitchen table. He watched Daniel rummage through his fridge until he pulled out two bottles of ginger ale. Staring at the bottles, Joshua began to think that beer was the traditional Chesterfield way of welcoming a guest.

"So, you need clarity on something?" His voice was low and smooth, and oddly reminded Joshua of a saxophone playing in a jazz club.

"Yes," he answered. "Just a few questions and I'll be out of your hair."

"Good. 'Cause you met me at such a busy time." He tilted his head towards the living room. Joshua followed the gesture and had hundreds of sheets of paper meet his eyes, scattered all over the couch. He wondered how he missed that on his way in.

"Production scripts," Daniel explained. "I was in the middle of shooting a movie when I received the call about—" his voice suddenly trailed off. He looked at his bottle and took a drink instead.

He dropped the second bottle and slid it across the table top to Joshua, who caught it expertly.

"Thanks," he muttered.

"Alright. Let's get to it, then." Daniel took a seat as well.

"Right." Joshua pulled his phone from his pocket and placed it on the table faced down.

"On the 15th of July, two weeks ago, Jonathan Walters, your brother, was found dead in his apartment upstairs." Joshua stopped, regretting how blunt he sounded.

Daniel didn't seem to mind, he just stared with the same blank expression he'd been wearing.

Joshua cleared his throat, picking his words much carefully.

"I understand you were preoccupied that day, correct?"

"Correct." Daniel gulped down some of the liquid and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "I had a movie shoot scheduled for that week in Maldives."

Mrs. Walters had mentioned that, Joshua remembered. So that checks out.

"What can you tell me about Johnathan? The things he was involved in, hobbies, things like that."

"Well . . . " Daniel rubbed his hands together and folded his arms across his white Mickey Mouse T-shirt.

"John was . . . talented," he began. "When most kids in his time went for the bigger professions either because their parents pressured them or because they felt it was more profitable, John decided to study what he wanted to because it was his passion. He might have not been aware of it, but he inspired a whole new generation to push for what they want, not regarding the desires of others. I mean, look at me—" he stretched his hands out.

"—I got to do what I wanted, not to become what the society saw me to be. And I'll forever have John to thank for that."

Joshua nodded as he watched Daniel gulp down the ale.

"Do you know what he was involved in before he returned to Chesterfield? I mean, based on the information I've received, he remained abroad for a significant period of time after he was done with college. Do you have an idea of the kinds of engagements he made during that time?"

"He was a writer. And a damn good one too." Daniel stood from his stool, grabbed another bottle from the fridge, and plopped down on a stool closer to Joshua. Joshua, who hadn't even opened his bottle, finally had a closer look at the youngest of the Walters.

If he had to guess, Joshua would've said Daniel was younger than he was. His jet black hair was long enough to be combed backwards, a little of it fell over his forehead as he bent on the table. Sparse eyebrows drew above brown eyes, a straight nose placed over thin lips. The complete absence of follicles on both his chin and upper lip further emphasized his youthful appearance. The slightly oversize T-shirt he wore did nothing to hide his muscular appearance. Or his height.

To a normal person, from the right angle, he resembled a Greek god.

And was a successful one too.

"John had written several bestsellers that were distributed all over the globe. He was so talented that his books won him awards year after year, even when the books preceded the year the award ceremonies were held.

"He had lucrative contracts with mega publishers and distributors alike. Sponsors were all over him, playing tug-of-war with his agents. Movie production companies hired him to compose the written version of their movies. John was simply the hottest topic in the universe of written entertainment."

The surprise on Joshua's face couldn't be mistaken. Jonathan was a big hit? He never really heard of him or his works before. Then again, he couldn't remember the last time he got involved in the world of entertainment. Unless someone got shot in the head.

Besides, when Jonathan was making the headlines and breaking the bank, Joshua was probably still in the police academy, hoping to make it out alive.

"Jonathan was a writer?" Joshua knew it'd be hard to hide his surprise, so he didn't bother.

"One of the best." Daniel responded with pride burning in his eyes. Joshua was never in doubt about Jonathan's ability, he could vividly testify to that. But he wasn't still clear in the reveal.

"So how did the author of bestselling novels end up teaching for free back here?" Joshua voiced his thoughts out loud.

"That, my friend, is the million dollar question." Daniel raised his unopened bottle and chuckled awkwardly.

Joshua raised a brow at him, silently demanding for clarification. Daniel, on the other hand, was too busy looking into the tiny galaxy of bubbles forming close to the rim of his bottle.

"Do you know I once offered him a spot in my production crew?" He asked quietly, his eyes never leaving the bottle.

Joshua chose to let him continue rather than answering the question.

"Creative director. In charge of composing the scripts and storylines of our films. A chance for him to bring his exceptional writings to the big screen. And guess what?" With his elbows resting on the wooden surface of the table, he turned to face the listening Joshua. Who returned his stare with equally intensity.

"He said no. Declined my offer without a second thought."

Daniel pushed the bottle away and blew his cheeks out. Then he buried his face in his hands, as if still reeling from the rejection.

"Do you reckon it had anything to do with his divorce?" Joshua pressed.

Daniel chortled abruptly. "Most likely. Love's a funny concept, you know. How else would he go from that height to this depth?" He shrugged.

"Contact between us, I mean John and his siblings, became less frequent than in the past. The last I heard of him before his death was from a conversation over the phone. With his lawyer, who's also my lawyer."

"I see," Joshua nodded. He finally snapped his beer bottle open. He was in the process of taking the first sip when Daniel added:

"Oh, and the lawyer happened to be one of John's best friends, right from childhood. His name is Shawn Zachary."

Joshua swore as he almost choked on his drink.

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