Ending The Turk Pirates

Had the pirates not panicked and instead organized themselves to deal with the problems of the ship before attacking Clover, Clover wouldn't have dared to fight against them head-on like this. Instead, he would have relied on his ship's shield to defend against the pirate's cannon attacks and lured them into charging into his ship to fight him personally. Only then would clover have the confidence to deal with them personally.

Unfortunately, pirates had never been an organized bunch, and they usually fell apart under the slightest amount of pressure. At that, to the fact that boot was merciless in killing his men for the slightest disagreement, the pirates were already having their wills tested. The final straw was when Clover showed up and he was revealed to be a Cosmic Lifeform... the wills of the pirates that were originally weak crumbled entirely and it led to the current situation.

Now, it was only at the moment of their death that the pirate's ferocity had been s

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