Entering The Green River Middle Realm

Clover's words were meant to sow doubts and suspicion in the minds towards the people of the blackthorn border fortress in the minds of the others waiting to enter into the realms.

The thing is that people with the ability to travel between realms were not simple. They were usually from certain forces that had considerable influence in the universe. Although those who travel between realms by going through the void between realms would not be from powerful forces since more powerful forces had direct means to cross realms, it was still not wise to underestimate these forces.

All forces, no matter how small, as long as they had the ability to cross between realms, would definitely possess certain secrets that they wouldn't want to share with others. Especially for smaller forces in the universe. Although their secrets might not be worth much in the universe, they were still the foundations on which that force relied to grow. If these secrets were leaked or stolen by o

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