Chapter Seventeen: House Sorting
He woke up the next day feeling like a king. He danced through his early morning routine, rearranged their room to Magus's surprise. He showered quickly and for the first time, he beat Magus to dressing up for school. By the time his roommate would finish dressing up for school, Tina had arrived and they started out quietly.

The morning sun was warm and gentle, like it was given everyone a big bear hug. Coral didn't say a word whilst they trekked to school and neither did Aduke and so as not to think about the awkwardness he called Ag up.

/Status Report:

10 MP reward received

Medical Skill Unlocked. (plant analysis)/

He clicked on Plant Analysis

/Plant Analysis: A skill set that allows users to analyze plants chemicals and functions. They are able to determine the type of plants through smell, touch or sight. They are able to also detect chemical composition in plants. Costs: 5MP per usage./

He checked his profile to confirm his current condition


HP: 98

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