Death plot

Chapter Six

     Jason couldn’t begin to fathom the reason for this person coming here but he sighed and regained his calm demeanor. However, the cold look didn’t leave his face and he kept his eyes on the man in a white suit. Mary noticed the sudden change in his expression and wondered what was going on. She traced his eyes and saw the man in a white suit, but she didn’t recognize him.

“Hey… you okay man?” She asked but Jason sighed.

“I’ll be right back.” He said before shifting the milkshake towards her.

“What? Why don’t you just take this with you…” She uttered but the latter didn’t seem bothered. She pouted before grabbing his milkshake and wanted to place it inside the fridge, but she decided to take a sip.

“Hmm… this tastes good,” she uttered before deciding against putting the milkshake inside the fridge and drinking it instead. Her mood had also brightened.

Meanwhile, the man in the suit walked into the restaurant and took a seat. He ordered a few things from a good-looking waitress before Jason arrived before him. He smirked arrogantly again.

“Wow… the rebuked son of the Ravenelli family is now a mere baker in a restaurant. What a shame. It’s nice to see you though.” He scorned but Jason didn’t lighten his cold look.

“Wish I could say the same. What do you want, Lorren?” Jason inquired but the latter shook his head.

“Ah ah. That’s not a way to speak to a brother you haven’t seen in a while and an influential one for that matter,” he claimed as he shook his index finger to and fro. Jason clenched his fist and he was tempted to punch his brother in the face repeatedly. However, he had bodyguards, and they could just kill him if Lorren ordered it. In truth, he really shouldn’t offend this guy.

The atmosphere between the duo was quite cold. While one was smiling scornfully and the other was frowning deeply, the former had to break the silence.

“At least take a seat, grumpy brother. You should learn to smile more.” He chortled.

“While you should learn to stay out of people’s businesses and focus on restoring the family’s business and name.” Jason returned.

“Hmm… so you heard,” he asked with a serious look but Jason didn’t reply. Instead, he looked at Lorren with his cold look, “Well, that’s none of your business anymore. And don’t you even think of coming back to the family?” With this claim, Jason smirked as he felt like he had hit something.

“Is that what you came here to do? To threaten me?” he asked scornfully but Lorren wasn’t going to fall for his act of provocation.

“Call it whatever you call it. The family doesn’t need a miserable person like you.” Lorren grunted and Jason scoffed.

“Yeah. Been hearing a lot of that lately,” he mumbled but the latter growled.

“Am I clear?” 

“Hey… do you think you have the right to tell me what to do? If I choose to come back, I will. That is not your decision to make.” Jason returned fiercely and the duo shot each other piercing gazes for a few seconds before sitting back down, “Besides… I wouldn’t want to destroy the remaining face I have left by coming back to the family that threw me out to die in the streets. I am satisfied with my life the way I am and I don’t need idiots like you in my life.” 

“What did you say?!” Lorren growled. He was now infuriated by Jason but the latter returned his cold and nonchalant look.

“You heard me right. Now would you excuse me… I need to get back to work.” he said before returning to the bakery. One of the bodyguards that followed wanted to take action but Lorren stopped him with a raise of his hand. Jason returned to the bakery and Mary couldn’t help but watch him go in without speaking. She didn’t want him to face her in the first place, as she had already drunk over half of his milkshake.

However, she was caught off guard when Jason came back and took the milkshake off her hands. She opened her mouth to speak only to remember that the shake wasn’t hers in the first place.

However, Jason only took one long sip before returning it to her and flicking her forehead lightly. The latter blushed with embarrassment as she touched her forehead. She pouted but didn’t seem to take offense. Instead, she sipped the shake furiously.

Lorren however, grunted slightly before leaving the restaurant. ‘You just wait. That will be the last time you will ever talk back at me, you miserable piece of shit.’ he thought angrily.


A funky upbeat song played in the background, and lights of different colors flashed and moved around. The room was dimly lit and only the sound of mumbled moans could be heard. A young man sat in the middle of a large sofa with two women sitting on both sides. 

“That’s it, my babies. That’s good.” the man groaned with pleasure while the two women’s heads moved up and down around his crotch. They both wore leather stockings and garters with leather pants. Their chests were exposed as they used their mouths to pleasure the young man.

The young man was immersed in ecstasy and he was beginning to hit his limit, as the woman with long black hair moved her head even faster and stroked a long piece of sausage with her mouth. She sped up and the sausage kept hitting the back of her mouth.

“There. You suck real good…” the man moaned and the woman stopped and allowed the other lady to have her turn. After a while, the young man had truly hit his limit and he took out his rod from their mouths and began to stroke.  They opened their mouths and expected the man to pour out his seed into their mouths and all over their faces. 

Just while he was enjoying the feeling of cumming, his phone buzzed and he glanced at it reluctantly. He wanted to ignore it at first but seeing the name on it, he couldn’t help but pick it up.

“Hello…” he said while the girls ‘cleaned’ up his rod.

“Hey, Jared my friend. I got your message and I wanted to ask about it. What do you wish to be done to the man named Jason Marco?” the voice behind the phone asked. Jared’s face turned serious before pulling out his rod and sending the strippers off. They both seemed a bit displeased but didn’t complain.

“I want him eliminated. Can’t you do that?” Jared asked but the latter spoke reluctantly.

“I’m not saying I can’t. But the person in question is from your family and he seemed to be cherished by the late Mr. Marco. Isn’t he protected by bodyguards or something?” The person said but Jared scoffed.

“Protected? Tsk… don’t make me laugh. The old man is dead and the guy simply just lives a simple and miserable life. We don’t need such vile entities in our family so he must be eliminated.” Jared grunted. 

“In that case, we shall complete the task and give you the results by the end of the week.” the voice behind the phone uttered before hanging up. Jared smiled as he pocketed his phone.

“Jason Jason… you are going to regret disgracing me before a lot of people. I will make sure you’re being wiped out of existence,” he said before laughing hysterically.

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