Author: Rita Sparkle
Stubborn Tuff

                             Chapter One

       The streets of an open-air market bustled with a lot of activity as people bought and sold their wares. It wasn't quiet, but to an extent, beautiful. This market was one of the best in the state as they sold things that would normally be expensive in normal stores at cheaper rates here. While the quality might be slightly lower, its affordability was its true essence.

      In the middle of all these activities, stood a young man. His short black hair reflected the light of the sun and his silver-coloured eyes seemed like they could see through anything and everything. His build wasn’t particularly big, but he exuded a bit of a strong aura around him. 

      Jason decided to take a stroll around this market and see if he could get some ingredients for lunch.

     ‘Those grocery stores be pissing me off. Can’t get a decent lunch without having to spend too much. Tsk… what a drag.’ he thought to himself as he walked through the road between this flea market. He pocketed his hands and strode with a carefree attitude while getting his eyes peeled for the ingredients he needed.  

 “Hey Yo…” Jason heard a familiar voice and he stopped in his tracks. He took a deep breath and dropped his head.

 ‘Oh crap… what is it now?’ he complained inside before shifting his cold and uninterested gaze towards the owner of the voice behind him.

 “What is it, Allan? Here to drag me back to the house?” He asked with an exhausted voice.

 “Huh? C’mon man. That’s no way to greet an old friend.” a man dressed in a black leather jacket and a pair of jeans said. His blonde hair was tied to a small ponytail at the back of his head and his appearance was somewhat appealing.

  “Old friend huh?” Jason said before looking up at the sky and gazing at the passing clouds, “What do you want? I’m hungry and gotta prepare lunch.” Jason said to him with a nonchalant tone and the latter smiled.

  “In that case, I know a place...” he replied.


     Two men sat before each other in an outdoor restaurant. They both had a snack and Jason seemed to have finished his.

   ‘I’m still hungry…’ he thought to himself and began to imagine himself eating the food he was going to prepare and he almost began to drool. However, Allan’s voice brought him back to reality.

   “The burgers here are so good, I can’t have enough of them…” he complemented with a smile. Jason sighed before his gaze turned serious.

    “So… what did you wanna talk about?” He asked and Allan sighed before passing him a newspaper. The latter took it and glanced at its front page. Of all the headlines, a particular one caught his eye.

   “The Ravenelli Family Crisis.” It read. Despite reading the headline, Jason showed no emotion whatsoever and instead, only glanced through the headline a few more times.

    “You should already know that the Ravenelli family is now facing its decline. After Lorren took over, things haven’t exactly been smooth enough and the big boss is already nearing his time limit. It won’t take a year before the family and its assets go down the drain.” Allan enumerated with a serious tone. Jason dropped the newspaper on the table and looked coldly at Allan.

     “So…” he replied indifferently, stunning even Allan.

     “So? Yo, I’m not sure you understand the situation here, but your family needs you. The old man might not admit it but it’s what the Ravenelli Family needs.” Allan tried to convince him with a loud voice as he got agitated. However, Jason didn’t lose his cold and calm demeanor.

    “My family huh? Tsk… the family faces decline and now you guys are turning to me…” he uttered to himself as he spaced out while watching the clouds drift. “That must mean you’re here against the will of my old man, am I right?” 

   “I’m doing this for the benefit of the family. Whether he likes it or not, I will not allow the Ravenelli to fall.” Allan said before clenching his fists and pursing his lips. When it came to the Ravenelli family, he usually got emotional, “It has been my duty since I was born to serve this family as that is what my predecessors had done. This family is my home, so I will not sit by and let it fall. Which is why I’m pleading for you to come back. Take the reins and become the head of the family. I and the rest of the servants will still back you up.” he said with a determined face.

     Jason shot him a glance before picking up the polythene bags beside his chair and getting up. “Sorry bro, but you’re not asking the right person here.” He replied before sighing deeply. “There’s no going back. They kicked me out like an outcast and they face decline and want me back in. Don’t you feel any shame?” He asked while looking coldly at Allan. 

     “What are you talking about, Jason? You are the son of a prestigious family and just because you were forsaken you want to watch your family rot? Do you even enjoy your new life, being the lowest of the low in society, and despite your identity, wish to live a low life for the rest of your life?!”

     “Yes, Allan. If that’s what you wanna hear then, yes.” Jason snapped back, attracting the attention of the people around them however, he didn’t seem to care much as his pent-up frustrations were finally getting released.

“You call them my family now but where were you all when I was being kicked out like a bag of trash, huh? Where the fuck were you? My crazy grandfather cast me out and my mother did nothing but watch. My younger brother was given the reins and now that you’ve seen how stupid your choice was you want to get me back. I’m not going back man.” he yelled and found himself panting heavily before finally becoming aware of his surroundings and calming himself down.

   “I might just be a lowlife right now, but you know what I enjoy about being a lowlife?” he asked before looking at Allen again, “Peace of mind.” 

     With these words, he left the latter to his wits. He wasn’t going to sit there and bicker with a servant of his old family. He was hungry and his tummy was already asking for more food, despite just eating two hamburgers.

     Allen looked ahead as he watched Jason disappear among the crowd. “Damn it… why won’t he listen?” he grunted.

      Jason was the son of a prestigious family called the Ravenellis but he was cast away by his elder brother recently. Ever since he had lived a low-profile life until he was later found by the head of another family named the Marcos. But he was still considered trash in the family. 

      However, Jason seemed to be enjoying his life the way he was and even though he was always getting harassed by the members of his new family, he didn’t care too much about such things.



        Jason buttoned up his suit and looked at himself in the mirror. ‘I kinda look good.’ He said to himself. He was putting on a suit that was given to him as a gift by a man he respected. Now, he only wears it on very special occasions. 

       He grabbed a parcel he placed on the table. He took out its contents and smiled to himself.

        ‘It’s not worth much but my feelings will be portrayed with this.’ He thought with a satisfied smile on his face. 

         After this, he came out of his and took a taxi to the Leon Estate. It was all right dusk, and the neon lights from buildings and signboards flickered and sparkled in his eyes as the taxi drove.

         While staring out the window, all that filled his mind was how he was going to relate to a place where he didn’t belong.

         After about thirty minutes, the taxi reached the estate and was allowed entry. A few minutes’ drive they reached the huge villa. The driver stopped at the gate and he alighted.

         After paying the driver, he took a deep breath before going inside the compound. He reached the front door and the servants opened it for him. 

          It was slightly cold and eerie outside, and also very quiet, but inside the large mansion, was an entirely different world. 

          The mansion wasn’t crowded, but there were a lot of people. The chandelier glittered and illuminated the entire hall room. Men in different suits, and women in various alluring and beautiful gowns, all from rich and respectable families were all here. If it weren’t for a bit of an enmity that existed between the Ravenellis and the Marcos, Jason’s family members might be here too.

       He looked around and walked through the people here. Not many knew him, except from the family members. In order not to create a scene, he avoided them.

       Finally, he spotted a lady with long white hair covering her entire head and a face filled with wrinkles. Her eyes were blue and deep, giving the vibe of a wise old woman with lots of experience to her name. She wore a bright smile and when she saw Jason, she didn’t bother about the visitors she was speaking with and opened her arms to embrace him.

       “Jason, my son. Welcome home.” She said. Jason smiled wholeheartedly and went into her embrace.

       “Hello, mother. Good to see you are in good shape.” He complimented.

      “Of course, I’m in good shape. I might be old but I ain’t weak.” She said jokingly and they both laughed. She faced her guests.

       “Please, meet my son. Jason Marco.” She introduced and Jason extended his hand. The guests knew about the Marco family but didn’t know about Jason. However, they didn’t want to be rude by questioning the old woman and they shook his hand.

       Jason felt highly gratified as he recalled the favor the old man did for him many years ago. After being sent out by his own family, he was found by the late head of the Marco family and adopted. Only that man knew of his true identity as a Ravenelli. 

      Without wasting time, he presented his gift to the old woman, who was the wife of the late head, Mrs. Jamie Marco.

     “Mother, I have something for you…” he claimed before removing the parcel from inside his suit’s pocket and headed it to her. “Happy Birthday, Mother.” With this, he opened the parcel and it revealed a small pendant.

     It looked delicate and featured an engraved intertwined heart and lifeline. Mrs. Jamie saw the pendant and her eyes brightened as she looked at the silver-colored pendant. 

       “Awwn… thank you so much.” She said and Jason smiled before wearing the pendant for her.

       ‘I bought the pendant in an antique shop. It has a meaning to it that shows how grateful I am to this family for taking me in as their child.

       She admired the pendant and pecked Jason on the cheek. The latter blushed slightly and hugged her. To him, she was his mother.

       They chatted for a while before Mrs. Jamie decided to attend to some other guests. She was the head of the Marco family since her husband had died so there were still a few things to attend to.

      At the same time, just when Jason was lounging around, a stunning figure came into his field of view. She wore a long blue backless gown and her alluring figure attracted the men around her. 

     She had a cold expression on her face but it didn’t stop people from being attracted to her. She walked towards Jason with her cold demeanor, but seeing her made him smile. 

      “Hello, sweetheart…” he greeted flirtatiously. 



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