The Warning

The small bakery where Jason worked was a sanctuary of sorts, a place where the scent of freshly baked bread mingled with the warmth of the ovens, creating an atmosphere that was comforting and familiar.

The bakery was modest, with wooden shelves lined with golden loaves of bread, pastries dusted with powdered sugar, and cookies arranged neatly in glass jars.

Sunlight streamed through the large front windows, casting a soft glow over the checkered floor and illuminating the flour-dusted countertops.

Jason had chosen this life deliberately, distancing himself from the chaotic underworld that his brother-in-law, Jared, controlled with stupidity and lack of manner. It was a quiet life, far removed from the violence and treachery that had become all too familiar.

But despite the peaceful facade, Jason knew he could never fully escape Jared’s crazy thought once in a while. The failed assassination attempt at the train station had left him shaken, a constant reminder that danger was never
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