Jack Cassidy. Cases
Jack Cassidy. Cases
Author: Mari Angel Pain
last update2024-03-03 03:41:51

Jack's car stopped right in front of the old school building.

— Clarissa!—he called out to the witch who had fallen asleep in the backseat of his car.—Here we are near the Blackmore School.—

Fallen's headphones were playing melodic death metal, just the kind of music she loved. This put her in a half-sleep-half-trance for a long time.

— Claire! Claire!— the man knocked the headphones off the witch, almost hitting her amulet, which protected the many-thousand-year-old girl from the sun.

— What the hell Jack? I felt the first two hundred tremors! I have to sleep, I really need it!— she said indignantly.

— We're near the Blackmore School, Claire. Get out the car, we'll unpack.— feeling the pain in his heart, the man reached into the glove compartment.

There's not much of the quintessence elixir, but it should be enough for now.

The main thing is, Jack Cassidy is dead. He's been dead for about fifteen years. A cross was stuck in his heart, he was killed by people who were going to rob the church.

But the angels saved Jack.

Now his heart is not beating and he is watching the balance in the world.

And the balance in his heart helps to keep track of the elixir of quintessence, which Claire once discovered, trying to extinguish the vampire tendencies in her body.


Clarissa straightened a rickety stack of books.

— Normal. And there's plenty of room. Jack, that leaves you with a bedroom, an office, and a dining room.— she said.—If anything, in the kitchen I will create an imitation of life sometimes.—

— Now we need to decide about the school. Once the map showed it,— Jack shook the scroll.— and my heart is still freaking out, there's something really heavy and we need to go there together.—

— Two teachers? Okay, not bad. And who will we call ourselves? Brother and sister?—

Jack stared at Claire intently. Some plan has matured in his crafty brain, apparently ...


Joel Gabriel stepped aside between school calls. Now it's a break.

His heart feels a very strong pain.

The chest seemed to be cut with knives.

— Ha-ha, loony is sick!—

Joel does not turn around at another insulting exclamation.

Mentally, well, morally, he was always taller and older than everyone else.

Joel sits on a bench outside, takes off his glasses and looks with shining brown eyes at the sky, at the leaves dancing a waltz with the wind, red as his hair.

A cool breeze blows on his face and the pain subsides.

A girl passes by him, holds her gaze and returns.

— Are you ill? Hey!—

Joel looks up.

Their eyes meet and the guy suddenly feels that he can't utter a word. His pale lips felt stiff.

This girl is like that... It is impossible to describe what she is like.

There simply shouldn't be such people in our world right now, this face is by no means a modern type.

And she is not dressed like everyone else: a black T-shirt shows more than it hides, a baggy leather jacket, a thick chain around her neck, baggy black jeans.

Black hair falls over her shoulders.

— The heart, right? Problems with heart?— she asks, studying him with a firm gaze of slanted emerald eyes.

The red-haired guy tries to wheeze, but in the end just nods.

— Be patient. It is not feels good.— the fingers are probed, then pressed somewhere.

The pain seemed to be washed away.

Noticing that he felt better, the girl calmly went on.

— Stop! Girl!—Joel called out to her, and when the brunette turned around, he was speechless again for a second.—Thanks for the help... And who are you?—

Such a look, probably, would have kindled a bonfire.

— I'm new. Clarissa Fallen!—


Jack entered the classroom. Of course, he had to be a teacher before, but only with small children.

And adults were a mystery to him, since he never got one.

— Hello, class!—he greeted the children who entered.—I'm your new teacher. My daughter Claire and I are generally new to this city. We lived in seclusion for a very long time. I'm Francis Fallen,—he wrote his name on the board.—and this is my daughter.—

Claire stood up.

— I ...—she cleared her throat.— I'm Clarissa Fallen and I don't really like being addressed as Claire. Sometimes you can... I'm glad to be here. I know martial arts, I sing extremely nasty... I don't know what else to tell you.—

She sat back and opened the notebook with the swedish band Avatar on the cover.

She felt that this red-haired guy was looking at her.

Not to say that she did not like attention ...


— And what will you need to look for here? Maybe you'll enlighten me, Daddy?—Claire asked with a slight sarcasm, walking up to Jack.

— Couldn't you have dressed more simply? It's a break now. Oh, I mean, lunch. And we'll discuss business at home.— Jack collected the books.— I'll try to figure out what you all wrote...—


— Clarissa! Hey! Clarissa Fallen! You forgot!—Joel Gabriel was rushing down the corridor after the girl.— Wait... Whoof!—

When Clarissa stopped, the guy staggered and leaned against the wall.

— Wow! It's my first time running like this...he wiped the sweat from his forehead.— Your bracelet... You lost it in class...—

Clarissa took the jewelry from the guy's elegant hands.

— Thanks... I am very absent-minded because of the fact that the first day is today... Very...—Claire looked into the boy's eyes, shiny and beautiful as amber.— If you want, we can go out together.—

The red-haired man's cheeks turned a little red:

— I'll be glad!—


Clarissa took off the hairpin from her hair.

— So, lovely Joel, are you going to tell me about yourself?— she asked the redhead. Noticing his concentrated attention on her T-shirt, Claire buttoned her jacket.

— Uh... ahem... I'm hardly that adorable... well... I like to stay at home, at the computer... I rarely walk like this.—Joel walked around the lawn sprinkler.— Our family is just huge, the house looks like an anthill...—

— We are smaller. Little family. It's just me and Dad... I don't even remember that there was anyone else in my life... Although no... there was...—Clarissa smiled.— One very charming psycho... I can't pass by this... And I'm a little sick in the head myself...—

The brunette carefully took off the glasses from the red-haired guy and wiped them with her handkerchief, which seemed to be whiter than snow.

— What?—Joel froze when he realized that Claire was staring at him steadily.

— Yes, just beautiful eyes. Your eyes is very beautiful.—Clarissa smiled, and Joel felt a smile creep onto his face as well.— Shall we go somewhere?—

— Well, we seem to be walking anyway... and I have to be home in an hour. You're interesting, Clarissa... There's something about you... I'm getting too far ahead of myself, but... Will we meet this weekend?—

Claire smiled, looking into those brilliant eyes.

— Of course... I feel normal around you...—


— Jack!—Clarissa called, running into the house.

— Honey, who are you calling?— suddenly a strangely friendly voice of a colleague was heard.

— Dad!—Claire immediately changed her tone of voice.— I can't figure out where my cat Jack has gone?—

— Alas, honey, I never found it. Our lovely neighbors came to visit us.— Jack was wearing such a hilarious sweater that Claire wanted to roll with laughter right there. Jack always looked about forty, but this sweater would have suited an ancient old man.—This is Jill Preston, and this is her husband Robert and the adorable twins...—

— I am very glad to meet you.— from her arsenal of smiles on duty, Claire chose the cutest one.— Is that a very beautiful peacock on your lawn?—

— No, honey. The Gabriels. We only have a mailbox in the form of a tree. And the Gabriels' whole house is some kind of fabulous creation. I think Mr. Gabriel's brother was an artist.—

— I know one Gabriel. So cute and red-haired.—Claire barely suppressed a smile, remembering those brown eyes, those freckles and constant embarrassment.

Jack looked at her with a frown.

— They're all redheads, actually.Robert said.

— I'm sorry, Father, I have to do my homework.—Clarissa Fallen practically cut this conversation short and ran off to the library.

What's it? What is this feeling?

Clarissa Fallen - and what happened now with witch-vampire? For many thousands of years, nothing has helped to lose such feelings.

Cheeks turn red.

— You fool!— the witch said to herself, looking in the mirror.

She snapped her fingers, the notebook flew open and homework began to compose itself in the notebook.

Claire began brushing her hair at this time. It put my thoughts in order.

An enchanted comb fluttered through raven-black hair.

Claire was angry with herself because of this confusion, which came from nowhere.


Some people can smile as if the sun is shining.

No, not even that...

Joel is the sun itself in the flesh.

Clarissa smiled, remembering that radiant smile.

— And what is it?— a very angry Jack came in— You smile, you blush... It looks just like...—

— Like I'm human?—the witch said with a note of malice.—Don't forget that we were all human once.—

— We should never forget who we were, but...—Cassidy pulled the witch to him by a lock of hair.— We must not forget that now we are not people at all ... —

The comb crumbled into small pieces when Jack Cassidy left.

Clarissa glared after him.


The "Magical" Club was just getting ready to open.

A not very remarkable building, working only from six to eleven in the evening, hid a lot of beautiful things. There were three halls: a bookstore, a dance hall and a bar.

— Eeeee! Hello! Is there anyone here?—Clarissa knocked on the door.

— What do you need? We're closed!— a furious bald man looked out.

— It's about the job.— Fallen showed an ad torn down on the street.

— Maybe you got it mixed up? We actually need a guard!—

— Well, check me out. I know where I've come to.—Claire said calmly.


She was walking back in a terrible mood - without looking at what she was capable of, she was eliminated with a laugh!

Black shadows flowed, separate thanks to the rain.

The T-shirt was soaked too and it became cold.

She have a money, but without documents, you can only warm up with tea or coffee.

Claire leaned against the wall under a small canopy and watched the rain.

If someone had told her earlier that it would be so... that she would be struck by this disease called love.

The schoolboys clearly does not understand this and it seems that Joel will be dating with painted parody of a girl ...

Fallen smiled and even laughed softly at her situation.

She is a witch, a black witch!

She removed her jet-black hair from her face and exposed her flaming cheeks to the cold rain to calm her violent temper.

She wanted to choose a job where there would be a lot of fighting, so that nothing would break out at home from intuitive outbursts, but even that she can't.

Claire was startled by the muffled sound of the alarm.

— Hey, new girl! Rambo! Ouch... Claire!— there was a hail.

The girl turned around. Her hair lashed her face in wet lashes.

Claire laughed again when she saw who it was.

— Timely.—she whispered softly.— Hello again, Joel! I didn't hear you right away.— she came up to the car.

— Sit down, I'll give you a ride.— the guy stretched out a thin hand and opened the passenger door.

— I seem to be fine as it is.—Claire said.

Suddenly the guy smiled.

— If you think I'm biting, you're wrong.—he raised his voice a little but not able to drown out the rain.

— And if I bite?—Clarissa smiled.—That's... well, over there, in the middle of the street is my house.—

— Do you and your father live opposite the school? Wow... So we live not far away. See that peacock over there?—the guy pointed with a thin finger.

— Yes, yes... Cute...—Claire got out of the car.— Well, bye.—

— I sincerely hope that we will see each other more often...—Joel said, following the girl with his eyes.


Running into the library, Claire suddenly howled shrilly.

Her gums ached, she felt sick, as if she had a heavy hangover.

Thirst. The thirst from the smell of this boy was awakened very much.

Claire chokes on a hot, or rather, boiling elixir and collapsed on the sofa.

The fangs managed to scratch the lower lip.

Claire felt tears blurring her eyes.

— Jack, is that you?— she heard a knock.— Come in, come in, the potion is ready already...—

— What's wrong with you?—Cassidy turned to look at her.

— I'm fine! There's no need to pretend to be a dad... I was just late with the elixir...—


Claire came to class with a very sore head. Once it occurred to her that she could refuse blood and not run from people for an eternity.

Holy darkness! It would be better if she drank blood as before...

— ... Claire!—someone called out to her.

Justin, it seems. Yes, it seems to be Justin.

— Claire, your father told me that you are looking for a job.— said the chubby guy, wiping his glasses from the rain that started again at night.

The rains cannot stop, especially if there is a witch in the city and she is in a very bad mood.

— Well, yes, I have a desire to work. Are there any options?—Claire asked.

— Well, there is... We can go after school. However, this place is for an amateur... It's kind of wonderful.—Justin said as he walked.

— Maybe you can tell me a little about it? It's half a corridor to the drawing class, so there's still time.— Claire felt that the backpack she was putting in the locker had weakened.— That's cholera! It's torn again! —

— If you come to me at lunch, I'll sew it up if I'm not busy. Oh, yes, work... A store for the paranormal. Glass balls, Ouija boards, amulets...—Justin adjusted his glasses.— They pay very well there, but they can't stand it because of all sorts of freaks...Justin picked up the crumbling sheets.— Oh, my daub flew!—

— Let me help you. I have only one album and it's empty. I can't draw at all.—Claire said.—Can you tell me who it would be better to sit down with?—

— You need just look at the situation today.—


— Today we will draw portraits. Break up into groups and draw someone from your classmates.—Mrs. Jensen said.

Claire looked around.

Joel, crouching down, tiptoed into the classroom and sat down nearby.

— What is the theme today?—he asked Clarissa in a whisper.

— Will you sit with me?— the girl answered him with a question.— You need to draw someone from your classmates. I'll draw you...—

Gabriel sat down next to the battered album in his hands.

— Then I'll draw you. Just don't be offended later.—he smiled.

— Did you paint drawings of cute seals there?—Claire asked.—

— Thank you, but this album is not mine. I don't remember where I put it at all. Can you borrow a pencil?—Joel settled back and rubbed his curls with the hood of his hoodie.

— Yes, of course.—Claire put the pencil case between them.

She drew a rounded line on the paper and froze.

The last time she had anything to do with art, they painted her... she looked into the brilliant brown eyes of Joel Gabriel.

It's probably in the blood now... Love is now sitting in her blood like a narcotic pool.

— Joel, freeze for a while. Let me look at you to make it easier to draw.—Claire said softly.

— Yes, now. Like this?—Gabriel froze.

— Perfect.—Clarissa froze. A desire, a very strong desire to kiss Joel, seized her heart completely.

— You're very pretty guy...— the girl said suddenly, hoping that her words would not be heard after all.

Their eyes meet again.


— Look.— after the lesson, Joel approached Clarissa with a piece of paper in his hands.

It was a portrait of Claire, drawn perfectly, just the highest quality.

Few people could draw like that. Just the eyes... The eyes in the drawing were so bright. Even too bright, they radiated a magical green glow.

— Oh, my God...—Clarissa froze, staring at the drawing.— It's beautiful... It's simple... I can't even find the words!—

Ceasing to think about what she was doing, Claire clung to the soft lips of the guy, running her hands through the soft rippled hair.

The fire seemed to flare up inside.

The hands switched to the thin waist, slightly squeezed the fabric of the shirt.

— Joel...—Clarissa pulled back and looked at the flushed face. Then she shuddered, realizing what she had done.

— I wanted to do it myself... From the very first second I saw you...—Gabriel said, looking into Clarissa Fallen's eyes with misty brown eyes.

— I'm just in complete shock...—Clarissa felt hands stroking her hair, thin fingers plucking strands.


After school, Claire could not come to her senses.

— Joel, can we go somewhere?— she asked, hugging the guy on the way.

Joel's cheeks turned red.

— How suddenly it happened...— the guy said softly.— But I'm happy... I've never been so happy before... I hope it never ends...—

— I hope it won't end... I'm falling in love for the first time, my angel...—Clarissa nuzzled her red hair.

Now she has already begun to fully understand that this is happiness.

— I have some things to do, and then I can...—Joel said, taking a rather large bundle of flash cards from the locker.— And for some reason I continue to be shy...—

— What's happened? If you want, I can help you.—Claire zipped up her jacket.

— I don't think so... It's about music for dancing.—

— Are you a dancer?—the girl stared at him in surprise.

— Cheerleader... Well, I love to dance... —


— What's the situation?—Claire entered the bedroom.

Jack Cassidy was sewing up a chest wound.

— Hmm, the evil spirits are spinning around here... But I still don't understand who she's messing with... And who does my amulet react to? By the way, congratulations on a successful personal life.—Cassidy winced when the needle went in the wrong place, just skinned the flesh.

— Let me help you. There's blood all over your seam. And what did the assignment say? What exactly did the messenger tell you?—Claire asked, tightening the thread.

— Somewhere here the damned one was born and his time has come. Not like everyone else... Someone who can survive in death... Thanks.—Jack took the needle from Claire as she tightened the knot.

— Speaking of phenomena... Will Joel need to come to us? I really want to spend time with him!—

Jack felt uncomfortable and for a while he suddenly wanted to say no very much.

— Okay...— he answered softly.

It's not exactly pleasant to realize that even in such long—term personalities there is still humanity...

— You are disappointed.—Clarissa suddenly said calmly.— I know. I feel the same way about myself. —


Clarissa took out a suitcase with potions.

Everything seems to be there... But the star Jack had given her began to shine.

And she shone in an unusual way.

The pulsation of light filled the whole room with itself now.

The light shone on the books and, to be honest, at this moment it greatly spoiled the nerves.

— You would also explain what you still want...—Claire said irritably to the mascot.

The vampire witch took out an easel and paints purchased today.

She wanted to draw a lot: for example, to get one of the notebooks and draw an indescribably beautiful Johannes Eckerstrom or one of his colleagues.

Clarissa wasn't so interested in musicians anymore... Well, for sure many years.

Every time something prevented her from enjoying at least from the back row...

Once it was just before the start, just think, Jack called her five minutes before the band went on stage!

Bitter and disgusting!

Stroking the figure of a smiling, but somewhat big-headed clown, Clarissa still did not hesitate and took out the paint.

She didn't think about what exactly she would draw, she would just go with the flow...

Next Chapter

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    Clouds were gathering in the sky.The sky seemed to be planning something unpleasant, the evening weather was so disgusting.Joel Gabriel looked up.Harmful, like the Grinch, drops immediately bypassed the glasses and penetrated between the eyelashes, making it impossible to see.The guy rubbed his eyes with his fingers and blinked, trying to regain his sight.The curls became cold and, like snow, clung to the face.He still hid the glasses in his pocket, fearing their frequent loss, which happens even in normal weather, and now ...the car stalled and therefore had to walk the whole long way.The alarm system faintly blinked after him, as if saying "come back soon!"Rain and no one is around.It is rare when even here it is so lonely. It's even scary...if he get the phone now, he can say goodbye to it forever. And listening to music is not an option right now...Joel quietly hums something, looking forward more often and only occasionally looking around.A sharp slap from behind on

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    The two of them were sitting in a cafe and looking through a stack of newspapers and magazines they had bought.— I don't even know who wrote such articles, psychos or just people with a rich imagination. "A crowd of girls with wings flew out of the woods.—Jack chuckled.— What?—Clarissa clutched a piece of newspaper in her hand.— What did you just say?—— Girls with wings.— despite the fact that Jack Cassidy had a hearty breakfast, he was eating a pie now. But Clarissa 's fright makes his appetite gone.— Burning crows. I know them, believe me, this is not nonsense and not a fantasy. I was one of them.—Clarissa called the waiter and orderedcola.Even head ached from fear.— Give me your laptop, Jack.—Clary took the flashcard pendant from her neck, connected it to her laptop, and entered the password.—Here... Look...—She turned the laptop towards Jack.— Just look at the text document I opened, and don't touch the other files.—The pendant in the form of a pentagram with the sigil of

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    In the morning, Julie immediately started packing. "Pack" is even too calmly said.Realizing that no one could see her emotions now, Julie threw her scattered things into her bag, still trying to hold back tears.Logan woke up.— We're leaving, right?—he asked.— Yes. Wake Jack and Clarissa up, and I'll get some fresh air...—Julie jumped out the door, took a cigarette out of the pack and struck a lighter.The igniter painted with runes misfired after misfire.In a rage, Julie threw the lighter on the asphalt and began to cry.— Honey...—Logan looked out.— I noticed since yesterday that something is wrong with you. What did this Clarissa tell you?—— You... Logan, your journey ends. You're going to die soon.— Julianna Morales has never felt such bitter pain.—Logan, we've only been together for a few years...—Julie cried.— It shouldn't end like this...—Three women were on their way to the motel.— Back to the room, Logan!—Julie ordered.— I can help you!—Logan froze on the threshold.

  • Jack Cassidy. Cases   7

    Brooklyn Mercury took pills before falling asleep, so he didn't see the self-explosion, he only saw the consequences.There was a huge hole next to him, his head was hanging down.Brooklyn stared down in fright, screamed in horror and began to pull himself up on his hands to regain his balance.The heart is pounding painfully against the tight rib cage, breathing can not even out in any way.Now Brooke is scared...— Mercury, get up!— someone is shouting.Brooklyn looks up.— Follow me, Mercury.— says the orderly, pointing a gun at him.— You know you can't kill death with a gun.—Brooklyn says, trying to hide his fear right away.— And you don't even have enough enchanted bullets for me!—— My bullets are made of divine steel.— says the orderly.— They'll kill a bastard like you soundly.—Brooklyn snorted loudly and stood up.— And what will you do?—he asked in a drawl.—There are a lot of cracks, will you throw me down?—— Why throw it off? The management will kill everyone who was sitt

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    Julie came in a thin metallic sweater that looked like a fancy sweater.— This... Is this really it?—Clarissa asked.— What a nightmare...—Joel flinched when Clarissa showed him her fist.— Come on, Clary, there's nothing wrong with that. This is a chain mail made of white dragon scales. It is very difficult to create such a defense item, not everyone can tear off the scales of a dragon, not kill it and stay alive herself... And the dragon must accept you. If he does not accept it, the scales immediately crumble and it is impossible to restore it...—***They stepped into the portal one by one.— Are you sure you're ready?—Jack asked when they were on the other side of the portal.— I know what to do, but whether I'm sure or not, what's the difference?—Clarissa said.

Latest Chapter

  • 8

    Julie came in a thin metallic sweater that looked like a fancy sweater.— This... Is this really it?—Clarissa asked.— What a nightmare...—Joel flinched when Clarissa showed him her fist.— Come on, Clary, there's nothing wrong with that. This is a chain mail made of white dragon scales. It is very difficult to create such a defense item, not everyone can tear off the scales of a dragon, not kill it and stay alive herself... And the dragon must accept you. If he does not accept it, the scales immediately crumble and it is impossible to restore it...—***They stepped into the portal one by one.— Are you sure you're ready?—Jack asked when they were on the other side of the portal.— I know what to do, but whether I'm sure or not, what's the difference?—Clarissa said.

  • 7

    Brooklyn Mercury took pills before falling asleep, so he didn't see the self-explosion, he only saw the consequences.There was a huge hole next to him, his head was hanging down.Brooklyn stared down in fright, screamed in horror and began to pull himself up on his hands to regain his balance.The heart is pounding painfully against the tight rib cage, breathing can not even out in any way.Now Brooke is scared...— Mercury, get up!— someone is shouting.Brooklyn looks up.— Follow me, Mercury.— says the orderly, pointing a gun at him.— You know you can't kill death with a gun.—Brooklyn says, trying to hide his fear right away.— And you don't even have enough enchanted bullets for me!—— My bullets are made of divine steel.— says the orderly.— They'll kill a bastard like you soundly.—Brooklyn snorted loudly and stood up.— And what will you do?—he asked in a drawl.—There are a lot of cracks, will you throw me down?—— Why throw it off? The management will kill everyone who was sitt

  • 6

    In the morning, Julie immediately started packing. "Pack" is even too calmly said.Realizing that no one could see her emotions now, Julie threw her scattered things into her bag, still trying to hold back tears.Logan woke up.— We're leaving, right?—he asked.— Yes. Wake Jack and Clarissa up, and I'll get some fresh air...—Julie jumped out the door, took a cigarette out of the pack and struck a lighter.The igniter painted with runes misfired after misfire.In a rage, Julie threw the lighter on the asphalt and began to cry.— Honey...—Logan looked out.— I noticed since yesterday that something is wrong with you. What did this Clarissa tell you?—— You... Logan, your journey ends. You're going to die soon.— Julianna Morales has never felt such bitter pain.—Logan, we've only been together for a few years...—Julie cried.— It shouldn't end like this...—Three women were on their way to the motel.— Back to the room, Logan!—Julie ordered.— I can help you!—Logan froze on the threshold.

  • 5

    The two of them were sitting in a cafe and looking through a stack of newspapers and magazines they had bought.— I don't even know who wrote such articles, psychos or just people with a rich imagination. "A crowd of girls with wings flew out of the woods.—Jack chuckled.— What?—Clarissa clutched a piece of newspaper in her hand.— What did you just say?—— Girls with wings.— despite the fact that Jack Cassidy had a hearty breakfast, he was eating a pie now. But Clarissa 's fright makes his appetite gone.— Burning crows. I know them, believe me, this is not nonsense and not a fantasy. I was one of them.—Clarissa called the waiter and orderedcola.Even head ached from fear.— Give me your laptop, Jack.—Clary took the flashcard pendant from her neck, connected it to her laptop, and entered the password.—Here... Look...—She turned the laptop towards Jack.— Just look at the text document I opened, and don't touch the other files.—The pendant in the form of a pentagram with the sigil of

  • 4

    They changed cars before leaving the bunker.The car that Jack Cassidy loaded to capacity with a charmed weapon was about three times larger.— Joel, have you ever driven a truck?—Jack asked.— What are you? No... There are no such acquaintances in my life... My life is generally uninteresting...—Joel sighed.— This car has an engine almost like a truck. Take my seat, Joel. You're driving now.—Jack stopped the car.— No, now is not the time to learn to drive...—Joel felt Clarissa's hand.Strangely, the coolness gave confidence.— Joel... It is unknown which of us will stay...—Clarissa buried her face in his hair.— I don't want to lose you so much...—Joel turned and kissed the witch's hand.— Yes. Now...—He went out the door, walked around the car and got into Jack's seat.— Show me what you need.—***It seemed that nothing had changed in the city at all. But at the same time, something was wrong...— Do you feel it, Clary? And you, Joel?—Jack asked.— Something's wrong... I just can't

  • 3

    A thin silhouette was slowly walking towards the house where Jack And Clarissa were staying.He was swaying violently, as if he was about to fall.— Joel!—Clarissa shuddered, clearly feeling the presence.There was a soft, rhythmic knock on the library window.Clary felt her knees tremble.Strange, why would she be afraid of Joel? It's definitely him!A thin silhouette appeared in the window against the background of the moon.— Clary... Clary!— when Joel flew into the house through the window, the vampire witch immediately jumped up and hugged the guy.—Clary, I feel so bad... I'm ready to lose consciousness...—— Joel, Joel! You won't pass out...—Clarissa buried her fingers in his fiery hair.— My beloved...—— Claire, I'm cold...—Joel croaked...—Taking out a blanket, Clarissa hugs her lover, wraps him up and rubs him quickly.— Quiet, my dear... Oh, my God, how icy you are... I'll examine you now, and then I'll try to warm you up...—There were almost no wounds on the body, Clary lo

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    Clouds were gathering in the sky.The sky seemed to be planning something unpleasant, the evening weather was so disgusting.Joel Gabriel looked up.Harmful, like the Grinch, drops immediately bypassed the glasses and penetrated between the eyelashes, making it impossible to see.The guy rubbed his eyes with his fingers and blinked, trying to regain his sight.The curls became cold and, like snow, clung to the face.He still hid the glasses in his pocket, fearing their frequent loss, which happens even in normal weather, and now ...the car stalled and therefore had to walk the whole long way.The alarm system faintly blinked after him, as if saying "come back soon!"Rain and no one is around.It is rare when even here it is so lonely. It's even scary...if he get the phone now, he can say goodbye to it forever. And listening to music is not an option right now...Joel quietly hums something, looking forward more often and only occasionally looking around.A sharp slap from behind on

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    Jack's car stopped right in front of the old school building.— Clarissa!—he called out to the witch who had fallen asleep in the backseat of his car.—Here we are near the Blackmore School.—Fallen's headphones were playing melodic death metal, just the kind of music she loved. This put her in a half-sleep-half-trance for a long time.— Claire! Claire!— the man knocked the headphones off the witch, almost hitting her amulet, which protected the many-thousand-year-old girl from the sun.— What the hell Jack? I felt the first two hundred tremors! I have to sleep, I really need it!— she said indignantly.— We're near the Blackmore School, Claire. Get out the car, we'll unpack.— feeling the pain in his heart, the man reached into the glove compartment.There's not much of the quintessence elixir, but it should be enough for now.The main thing is, Jack Cassidy is dead. He's been dead for about fifteen years. A cross was stuck in his heart, he was killed by people who were going to rob the

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