Chapter 3

I laughed gently seeing the look on Sophia and Dominic's faces. I knew they thought I should be dead but here I am standing in flesh and blood before them. I went to one of the vacant seats and asked the attendees to serve me a meal. Dominic and Sophia looked at me and wondered how I was able to afford one of the richest eating restaurants in town. " Can you choose from the order menu, please?" A young beautiful lady stood before me. 

She gave me a menu and I looked at it. With a smile on my face " Can I have everything on this list?" 

She looked at me and smiled " I am not sure you understand what you are asking for. Do you mean every food on this menu" she asked again to be sure and I nodded in understanding of her fears.

My looks says I couldn't afford it, not with the way I was dressed. But an adage says not to judge a book by its cover. She walked away to tend to my offer while I sat down anticipating her arrival. Sophia stole a glance at me and wondered what I was doing here. 

The waiter soon lined up in front of me with lots of delicacy as they kept mentioning each dish's name. 

I grinned with excitement as the waiter laid out a feast fit for a king before me. The aroma wafting from the dishes made my mouth water, and I couldn't wait to dig in. Sophia and Dominic exchanged puzzled glances, clearly taken aback by my sudden display of opulence.

"Enjoy your meal, sir," the waiter said with a smile before stepping away.

I glanced over at Sophia and Dominic, who were still staring at me in disbelief. I ate a few and stood up begging to take my leave. The waiter walked closer to me and asked for my mode of payment. I gave her my card and she swiped it with the machine in front of her. 

[ DING ] 

She gave me back my card and I exited the chambers. I quickly went into hiding because I knew Dominic and Sophia would want to follow and see where I was heading too. I stood in a corner and peeped. The restaurant door opened gently and they both walked out. " where did he go? I told you it wasn't him. That must have been his look alike. Do you think Jason can afford any of this luxury? That would be a dream come true for a pauper like him. You don't have to be bothered by someone like him." Sophia said with a smile and I clenched my fist in anger. I was going to make them pay. This was only just the beginning. I looked at my appearance and I knew I needed new clothes. Also, a new ride if the money I was having could afford it all. I was going to live the life I had always dreamed of. 

I waved down a taxi and asked to be driven down to the most expensive mall in the city. 

The man looked at me and smiled " Are you one of their sales representatives?" He asked seeing the confidence in my voice. He was shocked when I told him I was going over to do some shopping for myself. 

I alighted from his car and paid him off. I looked around to see many rich men and women coming and going out of EL CLASSICO SHOPPING MALL. I walked towards the entrance and one of the guards asked me what I wanted. " I need to get some wear and sneakers," I replied and they both looked at me and laughed. " You? We know the likes of you. Aren't you just here to beg for some tips? You know you can do that by standing at the mall's gate. Please don't come here to embarrass yourself." They said with a hint of warning that says I should pass my boundary and know my place.

I pressed my front pocket and remembered I was having some change left with me." Here," I gave them a tip and they both looked at my face. " We are so sorry young master. We thought..." I looked at them and smiled " Open the door. " I commanded and without saying a word they opened the door to let me in. 

Many people who saw what happened didn't understand how I was able to get in without a card. 

I smiled looking at everything and how luxurious the clothes that were displayed. 

" How can I help you sir?" I looked back and saw a beautiful young lady. " my name is Martha." 

I looked at her and smiled " Do they recruit workers by their looks because you look stunning." I commented on her beauty 

"What would you like to buy and can I please have your card?" She said gently stretching out her palm, ignoring my compliment and acting all professional. 

" Am I supposed to have one? Can't I just get what I want and pay for them?" I looked at Martha anticipating her shocked gaze and was delighted to see it. 

" I am sorry Mr.." 


" Mr Jason, you need to get a card to be able to purchase anything in here." 

My lips parted in fury. "What if I wanted to buy everything in here? Would you still ask me to get a card?" I glared at Martha, and her jaw dropped in astonishment. She glanced at the items on display and let out a laugh. "That's not possible, sir," she replied, her smile polite yet tinged with hesitation as if she were reluctant to offend me.

I wasn't angry; in fact, I had anticipated a reaction like this. After all, I didn't exactly look like someone who could afford his next meal, let alone purchase an entire clothing store.

" Well, since you have decided to doubt me I would show you I really can. Can you please pack for me every dress and shoe in the boutique?" I ordered even making Martha surprised and anxious. She had never had a client who would buy everything once. " Please have a seat and let me reach out to my boss," Martha said humbly.

I took my seat and after sometime, a good-looking woman emerged from her office and walked towards the table. " where is he? " She asked without looking at me 

Martha pointed at me and the woman laughed " You should know people like him come here to beg. Did you ask for his card? " The woman shouted at Martha scolding her.

" How much is that?" I pointed to a vintage collection making the woman laugh harder even more. 

"I will take that and those. Please bring them up." Martha rushed to have them packed and looked at me. That would be $56,000, sir. " 

I gave her my card and she swiped it against the machine. She looked at her boss and nodded. "Where are my manners? Welcome to my humble abode Mr Jason." She smiled showing me into a seat. 

" Now, can I have what I asked for? " I looked at the woman who smiled at me. " Of course Mr Jason. " She pressed a bell ordering everyone to leave the boutique. I looked at the buyers as they all lined up walking out. 

I saw Dominic and Sophia waking in and I grinned. It was just the perfect time to exact my revenge on them. 

The woman walked up to me and looked at my face pleading " Can you please allow them to shop? Mr Dominic is a good customer and I wouldn't want to lose a potential buyer like him." The woman pleaded 

" Your name is?" I asked coldly, I was done playing nice. I knew if wanted to gain an audience and self-respect then I must be ready to be an actor. Martha looked at me and laughed. She had never seen her boss behave so timid before. 

" Mrs. Douglas " She replied 

" let them have whatever they want and add it to my bill." I looked at her and stood up." Please, accompany me, Martha ." I looked at her and she ran towards me 

I looked at Mrs Douglas as she told Martha to behave. I laughed seeing she was a little intimidated by my behavior. " is she always like that?" I asked as we walked side by side. " sometimes but she can be nice for no reason at times." Martha replied 

" Help me pick the best clothes and nice shoes," I said gently and went back to my seat. I watched as Martha moved about picking my wears. She would always pick the ones Dominic and Sophia wanted and they ended up buying the cheaper wears. Martha walked back to the table and I saw she had managed to pick the best wears. I paid immediately and also paid in advance for Dominic's wear. I looked back as Martha pointed at me telling him I had paid for his wear. He opened the door and walked towards me landing a huge blow to my face. 

My bags scattered all over the floor and I stood up to look at him." Looks like you are losing already. I am going to put some dirt in your eyes." I said taunting Dominic even more. He looked at me with disdain and wondered how I had gained more confidence overnight. " I can see the stolen money is getting into your head. I am sure you had all of the money you spent stolen." Sophia added walking closer to us. 

"He isn't worth your trouble Let go," Sophia said gently dragging Dominic away from me. Dominic entered his car and reversed a little trying to crush me with his car. I stood up like a fool and ran for my life. People kept staring at us and wondered if we were watching some movies. I looked at my clothes and began to pick them one after the other. I bent down to pick the last one when I felt a hand pick it up for me. I looked at the bracket and saw it was the same one I had seen before

" I know you," I said, gently looking at the stunning woman before me. " Of course you do. If you want to be a brute like Dominic then you have to start acting like a boss yourself. " Paulina said gently, looking at the wears she was holding. " Huh, looks like you are rich. The last time we met, were you pretending to be poor or what? Do you want some self-pity or you are just another spoiled rich brat?" Paulina said gently, looking at my face.

I was glued to a spot as I met her gaze, staring at her face " I guess you are more dumb than I could imagine." Paulina said walking back to her car. I knew if I let her walk away then I might never get to see her again. I Walked closer to Paulina's car and I tapped on it. She rolled the glass down and removed her shade. " Can you help me?" 

Paulina looked at me and smirked " Help a loser like you? You are a helpless man. If you haven't noticed, you suck at everything. Your looks are even giving you away. You claim to be rich and yet you go around dressed like this. " Paulina stared at my shoes and I tried hiding them 

" I am ready to listen to your instructions and follow your leads," I said gently, looking at Paulina. I knew I was rich but having someone like Paulina beside me would make Dominic and Sophia hang. 

Paulina looked at me " How much?" She said chewing the gum in her mouth. I looked at my phone and saw that I had spent most of the system money trying to show off. But I was still rich, I had $10,000,000 left. 

" $4,000,000 "My lips parted and I looked at Paulina. 

" If you could afford all of this then I am more costly than them. $5,000,000. " Paulina looked at me. 

" Deal. " I said without much bargaining.

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