Chapter 33: $10 Million To Wake A Girl!

Not really, sir. But you don't want to cheat in a relationship you're yet to begin. I'd suggest you use other available data around you to make your judgement rather than psychoanalysing your lady of interest. It seems disrespectful and also would make her powerless, so, I'd advise you to take your technological advantages away from your relationship.”

Joe Cole thought about Diji's words and the digital assistant was right, using his secret futuristic technology on his lady of interest would be cheating and when she finds out, it would compromise things for him.

But then, he thought to himself, ‘If I had this technology then, I would have known who Emily was before she did all of that nonsense to me.’

“You did know who Emily was, boss. You just didn't accept it because of your situation then. You were more in love and feeling proud than you were logical, and besides, there are consequences of altering the future. For example, if you used an advanced knowledge of who Emily was to act
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