Journey To The Peak
Journey To The Peak
Author: Dyoxily
Chapter 1: The Awakening

In a small town situated in the Lurora Empire, some of its inhabitants were gathered at the Town square. It was that time of the year when those at or above the age of 15 were to be tested for their awoken ability.

This test occurs throughout the planet of Clodia. If the planets were to be grouped according to size, planet Clodia would be a medium-sized planet. It was neither big nor small and was under the control of the Lurora Empire.

Among the people present was a boy with short black hair having some streaks of red. His eyes were coloured light green and his facial appearance was that of a handsome teenager.

"Are you nervous, Alex?" Amaya, the boy's Mom spoke tenderly, her green eyes looking at Alex with affection. Her hair was silk black and was packed into a ponytail, elegantly displaying her beautiful visage that looked like that of a fairytale Queen.

"Of course he's okay, he's a man. It's just a stupid test." Alex's Dad said, unlike his wife, he was not the slightest bit bothered.

"I've got this, Mom, you don't have to be worried," Alex said forcing out a smile. The truth was, he felt nervous and anxious because, unlike other places, in Clodia, strength was highly valued. Clodia is a place where the strong ruled the weak, where the strong thrived and the weak ended up in the slums of cities and villages. Although it wasn't fair, that has always been the case.

"Alright my dear, remember you're special, okay?" She said with a warm smile as she patted his head gently.

"Go join the other brats...*ahem* kids before the queue gets too long, don't keep this old man waiting," His Dad said with a laugh making Amaya roll her eyes. Lucius, Alex's Dad wasn't old, he was just in his early thirties. His hair, a ruby red colour, flowed down his neck. His eyes were sharp with a hidden light in them.

Alex nodded and went off to the queue. There were about 27 people ahead of him so it was going to take a while before it got to his turn.

"It seems like the number this year is greater than last year."

"I hope my child gets a high-grade ability. It will be a life changer for our family."

"I just want my son's awakened ability to be an elemental one!"

Alex could hear some of the conversations going on in the square. It made him more nervous and at the same time determined. He didn't know what his parents' expectation of his ability was, but one thing was certain and clear, every parent wanted their child to awaken a strong ability and for their child to make them proud, so Alex was nervous thinking of the possibility of having a weak ability and also determined to make the smile on his parent's face broader.

All Academies used this period to admit talented students. They would send their scouts to the villages, towns, and cities, presenting an opportunity for those who aren't able to afford the monetary price of education in an Academy.

When they arrive in a town or city, those who wish to join an Academy but can't afford the price would be allowed to showcase their talent and ability, if they're lucky they'll be chosen by an Academy, but if not, they'll have to wait for another year's Selection or accumulate enough money to pay for education.

The one conducting the test was the Town Head. Since there was only one test machine, it took a while before it was Alex's turn.

There was a table separating the Town Head from Alex and on the table, there was a circular disk that could accommodate the palm of an adult. It was connected to a black rectangular box that had a screen making it look like a computer monitor. The box has a slim opening at the back and it was placed on a stand.

"Place your palm on the disk, young one." the Town Head spoke, his voice sounding aged and raspy and that was because he was an old man. Alex obeyed and placed his right palm on the circular disk. It lit up with a bright white light and he could feel an energy seeping into his body. It felt warm and welcoming, it was also docile. The light continued to shine brighter by the second.

The Town's Head brows shot up as this was a situation that occurs far too rarely. Alex didn't know what was happening but he was sure it was abnormal. He had watched the person that was tested before him, and the light only lasted for 10 seconds.

The thought of removing his palm flashed across his mind, but he decided against it since the old man didn't tell him to. He could hear the other teens behind him whispering among themselves they were talking about him. They also knew it was an abnormal situation.

After a whole two minutes, the light died down and the energy that washed through his body was out. At the same time, the square device vibrated and a paper popped up from its back.

You can now remove your palm" the Town Head said, regaining his lost composure before taking the piece of paper and handing it to Alex while he looked at the contents that appeared on the screen. Seeing the contents of the screen, the old man was shocked at first but then his expression changed into a sad smile.

'I don't know if this kid is lucky or unlucky. The few times this situation happens, it isn't a happy ending.' the Town Head thought to himself. One could only hope for the best. By this time Alex had already run off to meet his parents.

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