Chapter 2: Confused

The purpose of the ability test was to know the name and type of ability a person has and also its grade. In the world of Clodia abilities are categorised into Elemental, Physical, Energy, Sensory, and Miscellaneous types.

Water manipulation, enhanced strength, energy blasts, enhanced hearing, and telepathy. These are various abilities in the five categories respectively.

Just like abilities were graded, weapons were also graded based on the materials and skill used in creating them.

Black grade, Azure grade, Bronze grade, Silver grade, Gold grade, Pure grade, and Transcendent grade are the various grades with Black being the lowest and Pure being the highest.

Alex and his parents returned home after he came with the test result. They were informed that the Academy Selections would be happening in a week, so those interested had only a week to get ready.

~Back then, at the Town square~

When Alex returned to meet with his parents, he handed the paper to them. He had refrained from taking a peek at what was written in it. The two adults upon reading the contents of the piece of paper had different expressions on their faces. Just like the Town Head, his mom was surprised while his dad was grinning from ear to ear. Seeing their expressions, he breathed a sigh of relief.

'I guess things turned out to be just fine. There wasn't any need to worry.' Alex said to himself.

They handed the paper back to him without saying a word, when he saw its contents, his reaction turned out to be that of total confusion. The contents of the piece of paper were:

[Ability name: Unnamed]

[Ability type: Unclassified]

[Ability grade: Error!¿]

Alex didn't know what it meant. He hadn't heard of an ability that was Unclassified before. For Unnamed abilities and those that had the error reading, they existed but were extremely rare. People with such abilities could be counted one out of a hundred million others.

"I don't understand, what does this mean?" Alex asked, the nervous feeling slowly creeping back into his heart.

"Let me explain it to you, son. It means one of three things. The first is you may not have an ability. The second is, that your ability is half-awoken which isn't good. As for the third, it means you have a powerful ability that hasn't appeared before and is above the grades we know of just like the legendary Slayers of old." his dad explained with a smile that only grew bigger as he spoke.

"But do not think too much about it. I for one think it's the third possibility, certainly," he said, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. After hearing his dad's explanation, Alex couldn't help but feel a bit sad about the result of the test. The probability of it being the third was very low and he knew it.

~Back to Alex's home~

Alex stood taking a stance in the backyard of their home with a wooden sword in his hand which was crafted personally by him. He had always had an interest in crafting and was taught by his Dad who was a forger and crafter.

Lucius being a very good forger and crafter, forged and repaired weapons and armor which he sold to the hunters and various denizens of Marko town, which is the town Alex and his parents lived in.

Alex and his parents are well off having all of their needs met. It seemed like his Dad's job as a forger paid off.

'I don't know if Dad's assumption is correct, at the same time he hasn't been wrong. Always unfazed and confident about anything.' Alex thought and sighed.

'I need to join an Academy, that's the only way I know to get a solution.'

He had a week to prepare and he was determined to join an Academy. Alex began swinging his wooden sword with all he had, there was no rhythm to it as he was fully focused on putting as much force as he could in each sword strike as he slashed at his imaginary opponent.

Amaya watched her son through the window of her kitchen as she prepared dinner for the family. Her gaze filled with love and compassion, deep down she felt conflicted. No one knew what her worries were, perhaps only her husband knew.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" She suddenly asked. It seemed like she was speaking to the air as there was no one else in the kitchen, but that was the moment Lucius walked in.

"You should stop worrying about the kid, he might bend but he surely won't break," Lucius said as he walked into the kitchen picking an apple from the fruit basket on a table, and took a big chunk of it.

Amaya didn't refute, she knew it was no use worrying but sometimes she couldn't help it. He was her son, her lovely little boy, she still saw him at times as the baby that fit perfectly in her palms.

Days passed and Alex continued his practice routine. He didn't step out of their compound, fully focused on his goal. Once he set a goal, he had to achieve it, that was just the kind of person he was.

Unknown to Alex though, rumors of him having no ability and a half-awoken ability began to spread around Marko's town. Not long after, his story became the talk of the town.

Four days after the Ability test, Alex's Dad decided to give his son a little help. It was his duty after all to teach his son the basics, but the only thing he had taught Alex was how to craft.

"Hey, Alex, come over here, let's talk a bit!" He said.

"I don't have time for chit-chats, Dad!" Alex replied as he continued to practice.

"Really? Even if it's about your ability?!" His dad smirked knowing he had struck a nerve.

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