Chapter 3: Nothing But The Best

Alex paused mid-swing and turned around to face his Dad who was about 20 metres away from him.

"Okay okay, truly, I am serious about what I said. It is indeed about your ability." Lucius said as he saw the questioning look his son was giving him. He went over to Alex and placed both of his hands on each of Alex's shoulders and stared into his eyes. Lucius could see the light and expectation in them which made him smile.

He then sat down on the grassy field and gestured for Alex to do the same. When both of them were seated and relaxed, Lucius began to speak.

"For an ability to function, energy is very much needed. When a person awakens their ability, their body is slightly tempered and they gain access to this energy needed for the ability to function."

"This energy is mostly in small amounts but it increases with time and even faster with the help of absorbing crystals."

Alex listened attentively, he wondered how his Dad gained so much knowledge about abilities.

'Speaking of ability, I have never seen Dad use his before.' Alex thought to himself thinking of what ability suited this father of his.

"Now, what you're going to do is to search for that energy within your body. It may give off a mild feeling, a warm feeling, a burning feeling or it might just be placid." Lucius spoke.

"How am I to search for it?" Alex asked.

"I'll tell. Just follow my instructions." Lucius replied and continued. "Close your eyes and relax your nerves and mind by taking in calm deep breaths...."

Alex closed his eyes and did as he was told, entering a state of calmness and relaxation.

"Try reaching out to it with your mind. Picture it stretching itself to you and you connect to it." Lucius said.

Alex obeyed the second set of instructions. With each breath, his mind reached a higher level of calmness he hadn't felt before. Suddenly, his vision changed. It was like he was staring into his body, the rushing streams of blood, his arteries, his calmly beating heart, he could sense them all.

He felt a warm sensation coming from his chest region and focused his attention there. Looking intently, his vision changed and was covered with darkness, but in that darkness, he could see it. A green wisp of energy floating in the surrounding darkness. It was so small, comparable to the size of a matchstick.

Recalling what his Dad said, he reached out to it, and just like before, his vision changed and now he could see the inside of his body again.

"I've seen it...I've reached out to has a soothing feeling." Alex said to his Dad, his eyes still closed. His Dad smiled hearing the excitement in his son's voice.

"Very good. It seems you're a fast learner, excellent, son. Now focus on moving it around your body, from your head to your hands to your toes and back." Lucius said, a proud grin appearing on his face.

Alex tried to do as he was told but it proved to be difficult. It felt like he grew a new limb and was trying to use it but his control over it was lacking. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled to move it. He only succeeded in moving it an inch before he heard his Dad's voice.

"It's okay if you can't control it right now. You did great today, with enough practice, you'll be able to move it freely."

Alex opened his eyes, despite his failure to move his energy, a smile bloomed on his face. To him, if he had this energy, according to what his Dad had said, it meant that he had an ability, even if it was half awoken he was fine with it. He no longer thought of the possibility of not having an ability.

Alex happily stood up and ran off to share the good news with his Mom. His dad followed behind, the duo were smiling joyfully.

In the following days that came by, Alex continued practicing. He practiced controlling his energy too. He either swung his sword or practiced circulating his energy around his body. That was the instruction given to him by his Dad and he could see the improvements to his energy.

Now he could sense his energy a bit faster than before, he could move it around his body albeit very slowly. It put quite a bit of strain on his body but to him, it was worth it. Also, the size of his energy had increased as it was now five times the size it used to be before in three days.

Lastly, he was able to do something that made him feel incredibly excited. When moving the energy to his hands, he noticed a slightly green glow in his palms. The more his energy was concentrated there, the brighter the glow became and then one day, when his energy had increased, he did the process again until it grew brightly, and suddenly, a dazzling green light, like a laser, shot out from his palm. Luckily his palms were faced downwards because the laser beam caused a small crater to appear on the grassy field, giving it a small round dent.

According to his Dad, it was a skill he had unlocked. The downside to the skill though was that, Alex felt extremely tired after using it just once but still, he was proud of himself. The thought of his ability being a very powerful and unique one crept into his heart but he pushed it aside. He didn't want to be too hopeful and then have his hopes crushed.

The one week of preparation had come to an end. It was time for the Academy Selection of students in Lurora Empire.

The town square of Marko Town was once again filled with people.

Representatives from eight prominent Academies were also present and that included the Royal Academy of Lurora Empire which came as a shock to everyone present.

"Why is the Royal Academy present here? Are they interested in a small town like ours?" One of the viewers asked his neighbour.

"How would I know? But this is the first time they're present here. I only came here because I heard there is a kid with no ability."

"You heard that too? I wonder if it's true." Another viewer added and soon it turned into a full discussion.

The number of people present were way more than it was during the ability test which was most likely the aftermath of the rumours that flew around. The rumour of someone with no ability wasn't the only rumour that was spread around Marko Town.

There was also the rumour of a boy that awakened a pure grade ability of the elemental type. There are only a handful of people in the whole of Lurora with such an achievement, as a result, the town folks had come to witness if the rumours were true.

There were eight different canopies. Each for the eight Academies that were present. At the center of the town square, eight square-shaped platforms had been erected, each having a length of 50 metres.

The people stood in a semi-circle around the eight platforms. Among the crowd, Alex sat with his parents, unlike last time, he didn't feel nervous. The people waited for a while before the town head walked up to the center and began to explain the rules.

"A candidate will have to show his skills against a student of any Academy he or she wishes to join." the old man spoke trying to be loud enough for all to hear.

"The goal isn't necessarily to win but to display your talent, if you win, that can also put you in a good light."

Even if the Academy a candidate chose didn't take them in, other Academies might be willing to take them." The old man continued:

"To win a fight, one would have to knock their opponent off the platform. Wooden weapons are available for anyone who would want to use weapons."

After giving the rules, the Town Head asked for those who were interested in joining an Academy to step forward with their test results.

Those interested in joining an Academy began to step out from the crowd. Some of them looked older than 15 years because that was the case. Not everyone was able to join an Academy at the age of 15, so they had to try again each year until they made it.

Some of the people stepping out were 18 and some were already 20 years old. Alex got up and left after receiving good wishes from his parents, he walked calmly, his expression like that of a still water. Whether he would join an Academy or not was all up to him and he knew just his determination wouldn't be enough to accomplish that.

Those in the crowd who knew Alex as the supposed one with no ability were surprised to see him step out. They whispered among themselves, some mocked his decision, some commended his bravery and others were neutral about the whole gossip.

The candidates were gathered together at the side and were given number tags. There were about a hundred in number that were participating in the Selection. The first set numbered one to eight would go to the canopy of the Academy they desired to join and then submit their ability test result, then they'd showcase their skills while sparring against a student of the Academy.

Of course, the students they'd be going against were just the first-year students of each Academy. Once a fight ended the next eight numbers will be called out to do the same as their predecessors.

Among the teenagers present, there was the boy named Trent, the one with the supposed transcendent grade elemental type ability. The teenagers were privy to the juicy gossip that flew around and most of them looked at him with gazes full of admiration and worship. Trent, himself couldn't be bothered with them. His eyes were closed and his hands crossed around his chest. His hair was black and his jaws were straight and sharp. On his number tag, the number 72 could be seen on it.

Around the corner among teenagers, Alex stood seemingly doing nothing but in his mind, he replayed several sword moves studying to find their flaws and the most suitable way to counter them. The number on his tag was 68, meaning he still had some time before it got to his turn.

The Selection proceeded smoothly without any hitch. The first eight that stepped out weren't able to win against their opponents, it was the same for the second set and one of them even went to the Royal Academy's canopy. The fights were arranged in a way that once one of the persons on each platform lost their fight, the next number would be called out by the town head even if the other fights were still ongoing.

An hour passed by and the seventh set was displaying their skills against their opponents. A fight in the seventh set ended and the number 64 was called out. A few minutes later 65 was called out, then 66, 67, until it finally got to number 68 which was the number that was assigned to Alex.

Alex snapped back to reality and directly walked to the front of the canopy that housed the members of the Royal Academy. He bowed slightly showing his respect to the lady seated on the opposite side of the table in the canopy. The lady was the representative of the Royal Academy and at her back 20 students stood proudly, the arrogant air they carried was oppressive and intimidating.

Alex paid little attention to them and dropped the piece of paper that held his ability test result on the table before the representative of Royal Academy.

"Greetings ma'am. I'd like to join Royal Academy." Alex said with a charming smile. If he was to join an Academy, of course, it would have to be the best, so he thought.

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