Chapter 17: Melancholy

The door opened and a teenage boy walked into the room with his luggage. He was a bit taller than Alex and exuded a calm and gentle aura. His blonde hair was messy and his eyes were barely opened.

"Oh, I didn't realize others were here. I would have knocked," the boy said as he walked towards the two. "My name is Zach by the way."

"We're all roommates so it's not a problem. I am Alex and he is Tom." Alex replied for himself and Tom who looked too timid to talk.

The doors to the dorm rooms were automated. In the sense that one would need to swipe a specific card which was their student ID, by the door lock before it'll be opened. The cards were given to both Alex and Tom and had their room number on them.

They had forgotten that there was one more person who was supposed to be in the room with them, so when the door opened, they were expecting to see either Tang or Dave.

"Are you just coming to the Academy today?"
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