Chapter 18: When The Moon Is Red...

It was late evening in the Academy and the students were trooping down to the Canteen. Not all the students though, some were hanging around in small groups chatting away, others moving in different directions. Not everyone was hungry of course, but for a certain trio, they were starving.

"So when did you guys arrive in the Academy? You already know some places," Zach asked the other two by his side while rubbing his eyes to the point that made quirky sounds. He had woken up from his sleep just when Alex and Tom were about to leave the room and decided to tag along.

"It's almost two days now. We had someone that showed us around." Alex replied.

"Oh, already made friends with some students. That's nice. Maybe we could stroll around after dinner, what do you think?"

'Friends? If only you knew,' Alex said internally.

"Um...I don't think... that's a bad idea." Tom said.

Tom who had been silent all through finally spoke but the words didn't come out as he had planned. He was so nervous whe
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