Chapter 19: Unbroken

The morning came and Alex woke up feeling excited and full of anticipation. Today would be his first time going for classes and the thoughts of what he would learn made every atom of him excited.

It was a Monday morning and Alex had woken up before the others. He wore his neatly ironed deep blue and white uniform as he sat on his bed with a smile tugging at his lips.

"Wake up sleepy heads, it's 30 minutes to 7 am!" Alex suddenly shouted. Zach and Tom scrabbled out of bed not knowing what was happening.

"What the hell was that for?" Zach said annoyed that someone interrupted his lovely sleep.

"It's just 6:31, we still have like over an hour before it's time for classes," Tom said after checking the time and soon after yawned while rubbing his eyes.

"Have you forgotten that we have to go to the canteen before classes and also, this is my first time attending a class, but I think getting the right seat is i
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