Chapter 20: A Living Hell
Alex took in a deep breath, his expression turning cold as he slipped his right hand into his pocket. Now his bracelet was hidden in his pocket, no one would know he had a very low ability level, well, apart from those who took the test with him.

He walked towards the boy and stood in front of him. The boy feeling the shadow cast over him, turned to Alex with a questioning look.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You are on my seat."

The boy looked at the desk-like seat meant for just one person and then looked at Alex. The person in front of him looked strong and imposing, he couldn't see their ability level, also with the hilt of the blade sticking from one side of his shoulder, Alex currently looked like someone he wouldn't want to mess with.

The other students were already paying the little commotion some level of attention. From the outside perspective, it seemed like Alex was a bully who was using his strength to take the seat of the boy so he could shoot his shot at the violet-haired

[Authors Note: How is the story so far?]

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