Chapter 21: System Quest

The walk to the office building was a long one. Alex found himself trying to keep up with Instructor Irene. Although it didn't seem like she was walking fast, it was clear their pace was different as the distance between them kept increasing.

'Huff...still, that was better than getting beat up.' Alex thought to himself as he approached the first designated homeroom building. Several students flowed in and out of its entrance. It was risky going back to the classroom, which is why he wasn't actually going to his homeroom class, he was heading for a different staircase that led to the roof of the building.

As he was about to enter the entrance, he came to an abrupt stop. His heartbeat slowed to a crawl, a troubled expression appearing on his face with subtle hints of anger he tried to suppress.

In front of him was the lone figure of Tang. He appeared surprised at first but then smiled with the corner of his mouth.

"Look who is alive. Honestly, I'm happy you made it out alive." Tang said
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