Chapter 22: The Library

[New Quest received.]

[Defeat your opponent and win the spar.]

[Reward: 200EXP]

Alex stared at the system screen that suddenly popped up, it took him a minute before he had an inkling of what was happening.

'A quest? I remember the system saying that I'd get Experience from winning fights...this is it?' Alex thought to himself, then another thought crept into his heart. 'So many people would be after me for my ring if I manage to defeat them, I'd get Experience which in turn will make me stronger!'

A smile appeared on his face but was immediately blown away, quite literally. Zelah had attacked with a punch that connected with the side of Alex's face making his head fling sideways.


Alex took a heavy step backward and wiped the small trickle of blood from his lips. When he regained his bearing, he could see another punch aimed at his abdomen. He quickly side-stepped avoiding the punch and held onto Zelah's hand and pulled her forward with his elbow in the trajectory of the sudde
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