Justice squad
Justice squad
Author: Prince genius (ray)
The chance

Two years after the invasion,a lot of people were affected, children with no parents, people with home are now sleeping under bridges, people with riches are now beggers,the blood stain still couldn't be washed off,even the birds ain't sounding right anymore,the forest were dry,no animals except for their bones left in the dust,and there was mike, who lost his parents without even knowing them,but always have the spirit to revenge..............

"Damn am so hungry".mike clenched his teaths,he carried his little bowl going around the market begging for food and money under the hot sun.

"Please anybody, just a penny....anything... can't keep on moving any more.... please ".mike begged going to each traders with his bowl.

"Buzz off,you stinky pest or I will show you why am called a butcher,yaaaaaa".the butcher said pointing his knife at mike.

"It ain't your fault,am just a guy born unlucky". mike mumbled with his face so down.He went round and round in the market but couldn't find anyone to help.

"Today is just not my lucky day".mike turned ready to leave,but saw a very nice woman who gave him, four apple's.

"You look hungry young man,I hope this will fill up your stomach for some hours". the kind woman left with a smile.mike was just looking at the woman with no words coming out of his mouth.

"So there are still nice ones in this world".mike mumbled about to leave but before he could take a step, someone threatened him with a dagger.

"Wh...wh.. who are you".mike stammered.

"If you don't what to die,be quiet and just do as I say".the mysterious person pulled mike to an abandoned building.


"Drax,sky where are you".the mysterious person called.two men came out with masks on their faces coming for mike.

"Pl... please don't kill me".mike pleaded.

"Just shut up,asshole".drax sent a punch straight to mike face.


Mike face was already bleeding.

"Holy shit, now there is blood stain on my hand".drax said.

"Please,what have I done, am just an orphan with no future,why are you attacking me".mike cried.

"Alright let search his body,there must be something worth the stress with him". sky said.

"Get up,you stinky fool".drax said kicking mike hard in the face.


Mike groaned in pain.

After some seconds, they found a golden necklace with him.

"Wow,this looks profitable". sky said.

"Luca, check it out".sky throwed the necklace to the mysterious person which is Luca.

"Looks nice, let's go".Luca said.

"No, please that is all I have about my parents, please don't take it".mike pleaded.


Luca laughed.

"Do I look like a guy that care about those shits".Luca said leaving.

"No..no,that is not your's and it will never be your's ".mike mumbled pouncing on Luca from the back,Luca fell down flat,and mike with no delay began to lay Luca some pitiful punches on his face.

"Just give me back my necklace".mike yelled.

"You two get this stinky animal away from me".Luca shouted.sky pulled mike from the back but mike quickly took a stick and hit it hard on sky head.

"Arghhh,my head". sky yelled in pain

"You are gonna pay for that".drax said moving close to mike.

"Stay back".mike shouted about to hit the stick on drax head but drax dodged it and sent a punch straight to mike stomach.


Mike fell down flat on the ground.drax took the stick and hit it hard on Mike's both leg.


Mike yelled in pain.

"Now you know how it feels like".drax said continuously hitting the stick on Mike's legs.

"Drax stop!!".Luca ordered.

"I think he has learnt his lesson,and also we can't kill anyone remember".Luca said.

"Come on,let's get out of here,this kid is crazy ".sky quickly ran out of the building along with Luca and drax following.

"No..no..my necklace".mike cried.

"That was all I had left of my parents".mike said.he took his bowl and left the building,he walked for 4 hours until he reaches the orphanage house where he stays.

"Mike, what in the world happened to you,you are bleeding".mike best friend whose name his Noah asked.

But mike was too hungry, weak, sad and in pain to say anything.

"What is the meeting about". Amanda the healthcarer asked.

"Ohhhhh,mike you're back, nice to see you again". Amanda said.

"He is bleeding Amanda,he needs treatment ".Noah said.

"Like I give a damn care about that". Amanda replied.

"So where are the goddamn money you earned from the street,give it to me now!!!!"Amanda shouted snapping her finger.

But mike didn't answer,which made amanda really crazy.

"Don't make me repeat myself,young man,where are the money you earned.Amanda shouted.

"There is no money".mike replied.

"Yeah right,there is no goddamn way you will be out that long without earning something,so give me the money now or I will show you some madness". Amanda said.

"I said there is no money with me,you fat bag,I was attacked by thieves,they took everything away from me".mike said.

"What did you just call me,okay then you will be punished for two things, first thing is that you failed to bring some money,and the second fucking thing is for calling me fat bag!!!. Amanda said.

"What,you can't punish mike for those unnecessary things,he did nothing wrong,he was attacked by thieves and secondly you are a goddamn fat bag". Noah snapped.

"What!!!". Amanda shouted slapping Noah.

"Even if you keep on slapping me you are still a fat bag".Noah said.

"Okay then, the two of you are punished then,you are to mop the floor with a toothbrush now". Amanda said.

"And the rest of you go upstairs ". Amanda shouted.

Without no hesitation they ran upstairs and amanda Left living mike and Noah alone.

"Noah,you shouldn't have done that,we are both in the same shoes now".mike said.

"But dude,we are bros,I just don't like how amanda was treating you,I don't care if we are both in the same shoes,we will always be bros for life no matter the hardship ".Noah replied.

"Thanks man ". mike smiled.

"Woah,man where is your necklace" .Noah asked.

"Errr,the thieves took it ".mike replied.

"It was so precious to you".Noah Said.

"Yeah, eversince the crakas invasion,it was all I had left of my parents,I never know who they was,what work they do and how they lived,all I know is that my parents were killed when I was in the hospital, all I want now is revenge,I want to fight the crakas, destroy them but am just too weak to do anything".mike cried .

"No man,you are strong enough,you just don't know that yet,and also my parents were killed by the crakas too,we splited ways when we were running for how life's,all I have to remember them is the pics with me,I want to revenge too,man but I don't know how ".Noah said 

"That is why we have to be strong always,face our fears,you will be Loki and I will be Thor ".mike smiled.

"Nah,you will be Loki and I will be Thor ".Noah smiled too.

The two friends fell asleep not knowing when,untill they woke up the next day and saw bald,dark in complexion man in military uniform quite different from the ones around.

"Hello,my name is commander crugger of the secret force,may I know your names". commander crugger asked.

"I am mike and this is my friend Noah".mike replied.

"Why are you in the orphanage ". commander crugger asked.

"We both lost our parents on the day of the invasion,we are orphans ".mike replied.

"And how old is the two of you ". commander crugger asked.

"We are both 17years of age sir ".mike replied.

"Great,I will give you two a chance to be strong and revenge your parents or stay here in the orphanage and suffer,your choice ". commander crugger said.

Mike and Noah looked each other in the eye and finally came to a decision.

"We pick the first choice sir,which is to be strong and revenge".mike and Noah chroused..............to be continued.

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