chapter 11 (mike evolving)

"dude,did mike just create a wave or I'm the one seeing things". Justin asked.

"you're not seeing things,man". jerdy replied.

"mike,it's really you,but different ".Noah mumbled.

(sign deeply......)

"huh,did I just do that,how".mike thought.

"what is wrong with me".mike added.

[congratulations on helping the needs]

[reward given ✓]

[would you like to open your rewards]

[yes or no]

"wait,back up,who are you and why are you in my head,are you some kind of computer,why is my sight different,why is it like an internet,what are you".mike was so confused with a lot of questions.

[I'm the system]

[specially designed to give more strength, speed, sight, smartness and powers to host]

[you are the host:mike]

[you became a system through the venom of the king tier wofitiger]

[each time you defeat a stronger opponent, you will be rewarded]

[from now on you life spam depends on the lc(life cells)]

[without the life cells,you can't use your strength and any other abilities]

"okay,in other words, am a walking dead without the life cells".mike asked

[exactly you're a fast learner]

"f**k you".mike clenched his teeths

"so what are the rewards".mike asked.

[rewards loading..........]

[650 life cells]

[new skill unlocked (creativity 5/567900)]

[another skill unlocked (black market),you can buy weapons and other stuff there]



[that's all the rewards,hope you use them wisely]

"why is he so serious". Justin whispered to Noah.

"I don't know,maybe he is tired".Noah replied.

"Erin,when mike woke up,did anything strange happened ".Noah asked.

"yeah,he is much more taller, stronger and he could hear things much more than a normal human,mike is different now".Erin replied.

"is it a good thing or a bad thing". Justin asked.

"huh,of course it's a good thing".Noah replied.

"yo,mike".Noah called.

"huh".mike answered.

"thanks for saving me back there".Noah said.

"you shouldn't be thanking me man, friends always watch each other's backs,no matter".mike said.

[but there left you some hours ago]

"just shut the fuck up,dude".mike replied.

"mike,we are sorry we left you,we didn't know there was always a choice ".Noah so disappointed to even look at mike face.

"yh,bro forgive us".jerdy added.

"guys,we are one family,we ride together, we die together,we are for life ".mike replied.

they all smiled and didn't know when they all hugged mike.

"bro,how come you're now like a superhuman,you are now taller and stronger,is there something we should know ".jerdy asked.

"guys,am totally confused myself,but I can still give some explanations but not here, let's go back to the cave".mike replied.

when they were leaving Noah pulled erin back.

"thanks ".Noah said.

"for what ". Erin asked.

"for staying with mike,you made me realize that no matter the condition, friends must always stay together".Noah replied.

"thank you too". Erin said.

"for what".Noah asked.

"for coming back for mike". Erin said and they both smiled.


"xandre, should we go to the light source or we should just ignore it".Koda asked.

"it could be a trap,you know we are in enemies territory".stark said.

"it's better we ignore it and go our own way".stark added.

"no we can't do that". xandre disagreed.

"but it could be a trap, xandre".stark said.

"we need all the Clue's we can get to find the crakas ship and running away from a light source wouldn't help us find it,so shut your mouth hole and follow my orders". xandre replied.

"this is a bad idea".stark mumbled.

there followed xandre to the light source and was surprise to see that it was just a torch light.

"is this a joke ".Koda said about to touch it.

"huh,a torch light in the middle of nowhere". xandre thought.

"Koda don't touch it,it's a trap".xandre shouted.

"the warning was too late,Koda already touched the torch,few seconds later drones appeared.

"shit,we are surrounded".xandre said.

{enemies detected}

{surrender or be killed}

"run,everybody". xandre shouted.

they all ran and got separated.

the drone followed them and was killing them one by one, unfortunately for Koda his head was blown off.

"Koda noooo". xandre cried.

"wait....wait we surrender". xandre said.

"everyone stop running". xandre shouted.

{scanning enemies}

{teleporting enemies to base}

{enemies teleported}


"bro,tell us man".jerdy said.

"yh,how did you do all those skills".Noah asked.

"calm down guys,I don't understand too,all I know that it was the king tier wofitiger bite that created it".mike replied.

"created what".Noah asked.

"it created,maybe it a computer or an android or an internet,it's so smart,it's in my head,it calls itself the system,it give me more strength, speed, sight, smartness and other abilities like superspeed, healing, sound wave,mind abilities and many more not unlocked".mike replied.

"how can a beast venom holds such a powerful thing". Emily asked.

"and also why are the crakas using them as defense,is the crakas that create it or there is someone in the base doing it for them,if so,how many have they created".mike asked.

"I don't think that there is someone in the base doing it,the base doesn't have such tech".Erin replied.

"let's save the questions for later,where is xandre and the others".mike asked.

"they went their own way". Justin replied.

"I have a bad feeling about that".mike said.

"I didn't know you are so worried about xandre". Erin asked.

"HELL NO,I'm just worried about the others, mostly Emma".mike replied.

"you guys should rest, it's already nightfall".mike added.

"what about you". Erin asked.

"I'm cool Erin".mike replied going out.

"don't worry Miss mike,your boyfriend won't be eaten by a wofitiger". Justin said.

"mike................,well say whatever you want".Erin replied.


"where are we".stark asked scratching his head.

"we....we are in the crakas ship".xandre replied.

"we are gonna die".mik cried.

"didn't be negative". Jake shouted.

"I believe we will survive".Blake said.

"I can't die here".nio cried.

"don't cry". Emma said.

"yeah, crying wouldn't help". archer agreed.

"let's have hope". Nicolas said.

few minutes later the door opened and four crakas came in.

"ack 105,take him with us".ack 00 said pointing at xandre.

"no please don't take me.. please". xandre pleaded.

"don't worry, I will not hurt you,I only need something from your little head human".ack 00 said.

"let's go".ack 00 ordered.

ack 105 pinned xandre arm and left.

they took him to a lab and inserted a big machine on his head.

few seconds later the machine turned on.

{memory loading in ten sec}

arghhhhhhhhhhhhh,my head

{10,9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ✓}

{memory loading complete ✓}

now they were watching xandre recent memories.

"so there are still more of them,ack 209 send the drones".ack 00 ordered.


"err system, how did the king tier wofitiger process a system".mike asked.

[I can't give you any information until you are level 60]

"how do you expect me to do that".mike asked.

[by evolving]

"but I have already evolved, didn't you award me".mike said.

[no mike,you only evolved in strength not in form]

[you're still a cub]

"what are the levels".mike asked.

[levels loading......]

[level 1-9 cub]

[level 10-20 blood]

[level 21-30 killer]

[level 31-40 original]

[level 41-50 pool killer]

[level 51-60 werewolf]

[level 61-70 life werewolf]

[level 71 -80 undead werewolf]

[level 81-90 phantom werewolf]

[level 91-100 LC -w]

[level 101-200 knight werewolf]

[level 201-300 spirit taker]

[level 301-400 lord werewolf]

[level 401-500 ancient werewolf]

[I can't load anyone now,reach a higher level to know more about the levels]

"still confused ".mike said.

[warning...... warning]

[scanning disturbance]

[disturbance found]

[cr-d bots is coming]

"what is a cr-d bot". mike asked


"what, everyone wake up".mike shouted.

"sound wave".mike called.................. be continued.

I hope you enjoyed it.

please tell me your opinions about the book.

check out of chapter 12.

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