Justin stared at the ornate door the Romano’s were so proud about and ignored the security men that were watching him suspiciously and rang the bell. Amazing how people could change, it wasn’t long ago he was considered a part of the house.

He had arrived earlier that day and had to plead with the security to be allowed to go and pack his things before he had been allowed. His access cards were no longer working, dang, his ex in laws were fast.

Justin, having been thrown out of the rented apartment the day before after signing the divorce papers, had slept at his older brother's place, but he had come back to the Romano Villa to pick his things. He knew he wasn't going to be met with friendliness, but he was determined to take all he would be able to. He had important documents in his room, his in laws would destroy if they found.

He rang the doorbell again and sighed, knowing he was intentionally being ignored. Well, he wasn't a part of them any longer, so he would not allow himself to be intimidated. With the number of staffs working in the house, he knew there was no way nobody could hear him.

He raised his hand to knock again and Tyler came out glaring at him.

“Can’t you take a hint? What the heck do you want now? Have you forgotten what you signed yesterday?”

Justin studied him. For as long as he had known Tyler, he had always been rude and condescending. He was not going to bow down to him again. “I remember what I signed. I need to take my things.

Tyler laughed sarcastically, “What things? The things you were able to own thanks to my money? You pauper?”

Justin sighed in frustration. “I promise I'll take only everything I bought myself and leave all your family has ever given me.”

“Why don't you just disappear? You unfortunate idiot.”

Justin levelled a glare at Tyler.” I know I'm no longer your family, but you should learn some manners, don't you think?”

Tyler sputtered. What was the idiot saying? “Manners? From you? You had better get lost right now.”

Justin tried to enter the house and Tyler pushed him roughly. “Sorry. I don't ever want to see you again in this place. You stain our house with your filth.”

Justin's anger burst, and he punched Tyler in the eye. Tyler started hollering in pain, and he watched patiently, waiting for his whole family to come out. They had always treated Tyler like a child, it wasn't a wonder he was turning the way he was.

Martha came out at Tyler's raged sounds and slapped Justin’s face hard. “You god-damned idiot. Who gave you the right to touch my son?”

Justin glared at her,” Mother. I can touch whoever I want to, and if it is your foolish son, I would do it again.”

Justin barely dodged the slap Martha was going to land on him again, and he held her fists.

“Let go of me, you dirty pig.”

Justin sighed, “I just want to go in and pick my things. What's so terrible about that?”

Martha glared at him and dialed a number on her phone. “There is a madman here I need you to deal with.”

Justin released her, knowing exactly who she was calling. It wasn’t the first time he had been dealt with like that. He wasn't surprised when five big, buffed security men came and surrounded him.

Martha smiled superiorly,” Deal with him. Make sure he realizes what a mistake he has just made.”

Justin tensed and started moving backwards, knowing there was no way out with the five men, but still trying. The men were not doing anything, so Justin landed a punch at the one closest to him, and punches and kicks started railing at him.

He tried to defend himself, but with him being punched from all sides, there was nothing substantial he could do. He continued flailing and punching, as best as he could, until he laid on the floor, weak and unable to move his arms.

It felt like his body was in someone else, and he was watching what was happening when the gate opened and a strange car drove in. One of the men picked him up and started strangling him, and Justin started flailing, trying to avoid being killed.

He was dropped suddenly to the ground, and he started coughing violently, holding his neck. They continued hitting him, but Justin was no longer feeling it. That was his wife Rosetta coming down from someone else's car. The man also came down and held her possessively by the waist. A man different from him.

He stared at her as she walked past him, and he grabbed her legs when she was close to him. She removed her legs from him and stared down at him in disgust.

“Don't ever touch me again. You disgusting being.”

Justin looked at her with tear filled eyes.” Why are you with him?” He nodded at the man who was holding her waist.

Rosetta sighed in exasperation. “Why do you care? We're no longer together, or have you forgotten that you signed the papers?”

Justin realized the security men had stopped hitting him and saw Martha's smile.

She had known what seeing her with another man would do to him. He struggled to stand and stood weakly, swaying from the hits he had gotten. “I signed it just yesterday. What are you doing with him?”

Rosetta studied her elegant looking nails.” He's my fiancé. I guess you don't know who he is. He is Malakai Armstrong, a man whose position you can never dream of getting to.”

Justin stared at the man. He knew him, and that was why he was even more furious. Malakai was the son of his former boss. He had worked in a big corporation before but was set up by his colleagues and Malakai’s father, Trevor had dealt with him with Malakai staying quiet even though he was aware of the set-up.

Malakai smiled at him sarcastically and shook his hands.” Hey. I see you're not better off than I left you. Can't say I'm surprised, though. You were always a loser.” He then took Rosetta and kissed her on the lips passionately, but from Rosetta’s movements, Justin knew she was being forced.

Justin stared at Malakai in rage and punched him in the face. Malakai hit him back and they started fighting. Justin, strengthened with rage, looked behind him and saw a steel pipe. He picked it up and wacked it over Malakai's head, pleased when he bent down in agony.

The security guards hurried to Justin and tased him with a laser, following an order from Martha. He struggled with them and only stopped when he heard his father-in-law's booming voice.

“Stop it.”

Justin turned to see him, and Cyril glared at him.” How dare you come to my home and do all this.” He motioned to him. “You look like a loser. I give you five minutes. Go in and pack your things and never come back again.”

The guards released him, and Justin slumped to the floor weakly. He stood up to go and pack his things when his phone dinged. He removed it from his pocket, and all the blood left his face as he read the message.

He rubbed his eye and read it again and, this time, fell to the floor in shock. That couldn't be true.

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