Benson sighed. “At fist. I decided to watch you, so I would know if you were living a good life and if you will be interested in what I had to say.”

Justin nodded, he could remember bit by bit the circumstance that had landed him in the hospital.

“I was in front of the gate that day and I immediately brought you to the hospital.”

Nora frowned at Justin,” Why did you continue like that? Don’t you have pride?”

Justin narrowed his eyes, annoyed, “I guess I lost it. But you’re one to talk. Don’t tell me they treat their staffs kindly.” Nora worked in the Benson’s company, where they produced industrial machines. It had been coincidental that they had ended up together since she had started working before he had met Eugene, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about her to them.

“Stop arguing on who did better, both of you. We need to let Justin make his decision on what he is going to do. Forget the Romanos, what do you want to do now?” Nelson berated.

Before Justin could talk, Benson interrupted,” Your parents mansion is available for you to live in and the company has also been waiting for their new CEO. This is going to be a great opportunity for you, and I’m going to be there supporting you every step of the way.”

Justin’s eyes widened in shock at Benson’s words, and he nodded. “Since you’re the only child. The entirety of their inheritance belongs to you now. Their company, houses and all their assets are yours. The money I sent to you is just a tip of the iceberg”

Justin thought about it, refusing to believe it. “What if you made a mistake, and I’m not their real son.”

Benson laughed, “I’ve been looking for you for the past twenty-five years. You are definitely their son.”

Justin nodded, trying to take it in. He was no longer the Justin that was living in a crappy world, he was now Justin Sandler, the heir to the Sandler legacy. He was now wealthy. “Wow. This is a lot to take in.”

Benson bowed. “Yes Sir. And that is why you have me. How about, when you get discharged, you settle in your new home and get acquainted with the company. After that, you can decide on all the new steps you want to take?”

Justin laid his head back down, overwhelmed. It really was a lot to take in. His parents had not been the Andersons, but he was the Sandlers child? He was the son of the most wealthy and influential family in Pittsburgh. This was really amazing.

“Everybody can leave now. Thank you so much. I just need to take some time to think on all these revelations.”

His brother and sister stared at each other, doing that twin thing that always annoyed him. “I’m fine. I just need some time to think. You can all go and have dinner and come back.”

Benson bowed. “Alright Sir. Your food will soon be served.” He gave him a cell phone in the newest model. “If you are in need of anything, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ve programmed my number into the phone, as well as all your files from your former phone.”

Justin nodded, stupefied. “I will. Thank you.”

He nodded and left the room, leaving Nora and Nelson still hesitating. He called them back as they reached the door.

“Wait.” Justin called out. They turned to him, confused.

“Come and sit down, I have a question.”

They looked at each other and went to meet him. “What’s going on?” Nelson asked.

Justin breathed deeply,“How do you feel about the news I just heard? Are our… I mean, your parents aware of this?”

Nora nodded. “Yes. They are aware. You know they are currently on their cruise, that’s why they couldn’t come and see you while you were still in coma. We’ve actually known for a while that you were the Sandlers child. It was a bit suspicious with the way the orphanage was so insistent on getting you out of the place, and they also insisted on a change of name for you, since the only thing you knew about yourself was that you were Justin.”

Justin nodded. “And are you happy? For me?”

Nelson laughed, “Of course. We all are. You’ve been through a lot of things in your life, how would we feel otherwise when life finally hands you a golden platter.”

Justin eyes swelled with tears listening to his brother's words. There was no way he would have known he was adopted, since his parents had treated him the same way they had treated his siblings. They hadn’t really kept in touch the last few years because the Romanos had intentionally tried to create a distance between him and everybody that knew him. Not just that, he didn’t want his family to come in contact with their viciousness.

“Thank you so much. I’m really grateful.”

Nelson nodded the thanks and Nora smiled at him. “So, what is your plan now?”

Justin thought for a moment, “First. I know I’m going to actively search for the people behind my parents’ murder. I will also take revenge on the Romano’s for everything they put me through. It was silly of me to stay with them for that long knowing their feelings for me, but I’m not going to take it anymore. I have all I need now to exact the perfect revenge on them.

Nora nodded. “I will help you with that. I’ve worked for them for quite a while now, and if you stay quiet, there is a lot you will be able to glimmer.”

Justin nodded. “That’s perfect. I will find whoever was behind the death of my parents and make them suffer.”

Nora smiled, “Nelson can help you with that.” Nelson was an army veteran, and he had a body that scared most criminals. In addition to that, he had worked in Intelligence, so Justin was sure Nelson would be able to get some information he needed without too much stress.”

Justin nodded. “That’s true. When will I be discharged?”

“The doctors weren’t sure why you were in a coma for a long while since everything came out fine, but he concluded that maybe you really needed your rest, so there’s not much for you to do in the hospital. You can be discharged tomorrow.”

Justin smiled, “That’s perfect. I will start my planning as soon as I’m discharged, and I will make every single one of them pay.”

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