Chapter 34


Blank, blank, blank.

I'm devoid of thoughts, probably because I'm tired of thinking. I don't even want to think.

Being here for five days, my thoughts didn't help. No matter how I tried to console myself, it won't matter, cause I'm still in jail.

I'm trying incredibly hard to get used to my current situation, cause after all if you can't beat them, join them.

But don't misquote me, cause that's just my brain's defense mechanism whenever I'm not seeing hope around me. That's the only way I can get used to this place without breaking out in a cry.

It might seem I've given up, but there's always an ounce of hope, and when it arrives, I'll grab it, but when it doesn't, I'll just make it seem like I've given up.

After all, everyone has their own ways of adapting to new surroundings, and that's mine.

Sitting down with my legs crossed on my usual spot, which is on the floor, close to the bars, I looked to my left to see a girl staring daggers at me. Something she's been doing fo
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