Chapter 7

For heaven’s sake, it's the first time Ernest had to do such a complicated thing like analyzing just to spend money. He looked at the shop, then glanced at his reflection on the glass door, thinking that his brain would explode before the system showed up and took his life.

Ernest had nothing at the moment, just eight… no, seven hours left to complete this mission, and there was nothing valuable all over his body. All the things he was wearing were useless, invaluable which his ex-girlfriend and murderer refused to take.

Just a T-shirt, a pants, an old hoodie which Ernest had worn for five years, and-

Ah, yes.

He got one thing.

An idea appeared in Ernest's mind.

Ernest turned at the woman who was advising him to ‘be a better man’, giving her a polite smile. “Thank you for giving me such precious advice, ma’am. But I don't come here to disrupt their business, I want to buy some clothes, and it's pretty weird if the employee treats me this way.”

“Oh?” The woman was surprised, “To be honest, you actually look like a beggar, kid. Aren't you lying?”

Of course yes, that woman had a good eye, Ernest thought. He was nothing but a beggar now, but if he couldn't spend 1,000,000 USD immediately, Ernest would turn from a beggar to a dead body!!!

Was there anything more crucial than your life?

Now he could do everything to complete this damn mission and live longer! So let's lie for your life, Ernest Eswaranski!

Ernest thought so, and his smile was even brighter than before.

“Why do you think that wearing something like this is a sign of beggars but not just a hobby?” Ernest touched his tattered sleeves and replied with an elegant attitude as if he was wearing a vest.

“But if you're wealthy, why do you have to transform into a beggar?” The old man nearby asked Ernest, “Youngster, you're lying. We have lived long enough to recognize a wealthy person, and it's obvious that you're just poor.”

Tch, why was lying harder and harder those days? Ernest just wanted to waste all of the damn money he was possessing, he just wanted to live a bit longer, so why the hell was it so hard???

Ernest raised his eyebrows. The relaxed attitude was gone, and there was the annoyed look on his face. Thirty minutes had passed, and Ernest had no time to talk with those people. He had to spend the money before his lie was exposed.

Ernest turned to the employee who was standing behind the glass door as she didn't know why ‘the beggar’ hadn't left yet.

“Now what, miss? Your shop doesn't welcome me just because of my appearance, huh?”

The woman heard Ernest's unsatisfied voice. She didn't want to get involved in something like chasing a beggar away right in front of the crowd. But there were more and more people gathering at the shop, and she couldn't just stand there and let those people negatively affect their brand's figure.

The employee opened the glass door, telling Ernest. “Our shop welcomes everyone, except for the ones who have suspecting behaviors.”

Then she talked with a loud voice, “All four beggars whom we refused to meet intended to disrupt us by begging our customers, and they didn't want to do shopping in our shop any more. Even one of those beggars wanted to steal our clothes.”

“We have our reason for not welcoming you, sir. You say that you are not a beggar, but you give no evidence to prove that you have enough money to do shopping here.”

“Certainly, we understand how hard it is for a beggar to survive in this tough world. But, ladies and gentlemen, we have to work too!” The employee glanced at the crowd, “I am a mother, I have to work to raise my children, but if I let those beggars affect the shop's monthly income, the owner will fire me!”

The crowd immediately supported the employee's words. They whispered loudly as they wanted Ernest to hear that.

“I agree, this young man might be a liar.”

“If other people were treated this way, they would leave this shop and go to another one, but this man just stands here to argue. Don't you think it's weird?”

“Go away, liar! You're disrupting their shop! Get out!”

The situation was worse and worse for Ernest.

Other people thought that he was just an annoying beggar who came there just to disrupt.

It's unacceptable! Ernest was a beggar, yes, but he just wanted to spend his money! Who the hell was free to the point of coming to a deluxe apparel shop and letting the others scold him?

The employee saw Ernest being silent. She thought that the guy was shocked and he had nothing to lie to. She smiled in politeness, but her words were a threat.

“Please go away or we will call the police.”

Ernest laughed as if he saw something super funny and interesting. He also nodded, waving his hand, but not leaving.

Everyone was confused, including the employee. She didn't understand why the beggar smiled that way, but it didn't stop her from pulling this person away from the apparel shop. More people were heading to this place, and the owner wouldn't be happy to see his shop becoming the national circus.

“What do-”

“Now can I say something after all?” Ernest interrupted the employee, and he also stopped his laughter as well.

Ernest himself might not recognize, but all the people surrounding realized that something had changed. Ernest was no longer elegant and courteous, his eyes were sharp as blade and ready to cut off everything. He stepped forward, and when he realized that everyone was silent, he glanced at the employee with a challenging look in his eyes.

“Call 911 first, miss.”

At the same time, Ashley and the scriptwriter, James, were walking all over the area to look for Ernest.

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