511. Arrival at Craggy Falls
There was quite a bit of panic among the young entrepreneurs of Starbright. To begin with, up till now, they hadn’t actually completed a single truly functional Space Turtle. In theory, and according to computer simulation, their designs should be fine. Physically building the ships, however, was a whole different story, and there was always something somewhere that went wrong.

“That’s why you need a professional crew.” Remian summarized. “Meanwhile, you guys need to focus on the designs, adaptation of technology, and such.”

That last bit was a bigger pain in the neck than Remian cared to admit. Putting together different parts from different manufacturers within the same civilization required a lot of adjustment, tinkering and know-how. Putting together different parts from different civilizations was nothing short of agony, in his opinion.

Given the time limits, it seemed likely they would have to reverse-engineer entire components and design poor imitations that would be compatib
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