Countdown To Earth’s Destruction

On Earth, a whole other scene was taking place. Following the appearance of the dark star planet, innumerable disasters began to occur across the entire planet.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky as raging winds blew storms of hail and lightning raining down on the earth. Abnormal weather conditions persisted as large tremors ruptured the ground spewing hot magma like blistering sores oozing vile pus.

Glaciers cracked and fell into the ocean raising the sea level and sending waves of violent tsunamis washing across the continent. New landmasses that had formed on the Earth after the first apocalypse were torn asunder and sent plunging into the only depths of the Earth.

Worse still, every living being on Earth, man or beast, mutant or muggle felt a sudden lightness on their bodies like a weight had been removed from their bodies. But with this lightness came an uncontrollable imbalance as they felt themselves slowly veering in what was the due east direction.

All of these phenomena we
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