Crushing Might

“Charmy… watch your tone,” Eris cautioned Charmy on the manner of speech to spare the feelings of the other Aeth. But this concern only made the situation worse for Joyner and the others especially for Beatrice and Pamela.

Among everybody present, only the two of them were closer in age to Eris and Charmy and Beatrice had often been compared to the two of them in talent so they both considered themselves as rivals to Eris and Charmy. But with things as they were, how could they have the face to call themselves their rivals?

Seemingly sensing the tense atmosphere, Eris coughed and changed the topic.

“I understand the situation now. From what you said, it is a good thing we made it in time. Things seemed to have been dire… fortunately, I made a move as soon as I sensed the hostile aura perpetrating in the air and got the enemy under control.”

“But what you said about its regeneration is truly troubling. Even now while my roots are binding the horror I can feel the overwhelming a
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