Dreadful Might

“What the hell are those things?” Colonel Vehe could not help but exclaim in shock as he watched the decadent horror suffer through repeated instances of regeneration and devouring. He was terrified because never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined that an ability like this could exist.

As if answering his question, Charmy’s voice rang out in his ears like a haunting specter.

“Subatomic living nanamite parasites. That’s what they are. They are a kind of parasitic life form that feeds off the energy of elementary particles and are generally found in the oceans of our home planet.”

Hearing Charmy’s voice addressing him, at first, Colonel Vehe was surprised that she was talking to him. But then his focus shifted to something else the thought of which left him reeling with shock.

“You mean that thing is alive?”

This was what concerned the colonel the most. Since Charmy called the foam-like substance a parasite then it meant that it was a living creature. Charmy’s next wor
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