Duty And Mission

Eris went off to contact the main fleet of the reinforcements while the others stayed together with arran. They didn’t make any moves at all, not even to consider measures to stop the wormhole from forming.

None of them were fools… not to talk of stopping the wormhole from forming, they wouldn’t even be able to slow down the process at all.

Wormholes like blackholes share some similarities. Both of them were bodies of mass existing in the universe. But while blackholes possessed physical mass, wormholes possessed illusory mass that mainly acted on the invisible boundaries of space-time which allowed two positions in space and time to be connected at a single instance.

Like black holes, wormholes were very dangerous. These illusory bodies of mass could puncture a hole through the very fabric of space and time itself thus the boundaries surrounding a wormhole — especially unstable ones — were extremely prone to the existence of space-time storms which could rip matter to shreds and d
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