What I Can Do 3

Arran inspected the duo before him. He observed them quickly, making out the expressions on their faces and trying to guess their feelings. His mind skimmed the surface of their psyche, reading their every thought as he contemplated the plan in his mind.

Thinking of the plan in his mind, Arran was reminded of Joyner’s words — about doing what he could do — and Arran turned towards the distance where the battle was raging fiercely and desperately.

By now, the horror had already materialized completely into this space and was fighting Arran’s teammates with all its might. Indeed, just as they had all expected, this horror was much stronger than the previous one, although its abilities were mostly the same, just with a lot more power and potency.

By now, all the five fighting the horror sported one injury or the other, which while not being serious, still showed how serious the battle was.

Fortunately, with their experience fighting the previous horror, the five of them could stand their
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