What I Can Do

With Kasack leaving, the darkness disappeared, leaving an ominous enemy in its wake. This was a decadent horror much larger than the previous one that was giving off much more powerful waves of pressure than the last, too.

With the appearance of this new horror, the Aeth who weren’t privy to Arran’s and Kasack’s conversation immediately panicked.

When the darkness first began retreating with nothing extraordinary happening, the group had been relieved, thinking that this episode was going to end smoothly only to realize that they had shot the gun too early. Now they were faced with an enemy much more powerful than the last. They didn’t know how they would face it.

Everybody was tired. The last battle had drained most of their energy, leaving them with barely enough strength for a last desperate struggle. But they couldn’t back down now. Even if it was a fight to the death without any hopes of winning, it still had to be fought.

At that moment, Arran opened his eyes and beheld the gift
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