008 history

Unfortunately, the revolution came, and with capitalism 's tail cut off, the whole of China was plunged into a culture of"

In that case, where was the money and what were the conditions to fill Andreas' body?

Andreas couldn't even go hunting in the mountains, but he couldn't mend his bones.

It was Liu Feilong's turn's turn. Liu Feilong became friends with Andreas, and when he was accepted, he began studying medicine.

Dr. Kung Fu has been in the same family since ancient times.Those who practice body-building, such as Xi Kung Fu, often practice their body, so they know the pharmacology.

When Liu Feilong was young, he did not take less medicine to replenish his blood, but more medicine to purify his body.

Slowly, with enough time, enough medicine, enough time to recuperate, Feilong Liu finally managed to take Andreas, Old Bengal, and Lin He, both in their mid-Thirtiss, and Got their kids.

'Hahahaha. 'Andreas cachinnation.

Andreas was the first to rush in and take the child out, his old farmer's hand no longer showing the wolf's claws.

But now his hands are unbelievably lovely, and he's a chubby boy, when life in the countryside was so much easier than in the cities, at least when it came to nutrition.

During Lin He's pregnancy, she was very lucky to be able to fatten up her body, have her baby safely, and not have a hard time giving birth.

Husband Lin He sobbed: "Finally got a kid."

"Yeah, we finally have something to fall back on, I have something to fall back on, I become a dad."

Andrea took the fetid child in her arms and smiled happily.

Good luck with the baby, it's cleaned up.

After the midwife fell, she had some work to do. She had collected Andreas' money and she was going to get a nurse who ate well to feed the baby.

LinHe's body is still unable to produce milk because it has just been produced, and it will take time.

In the lobby.

Andreas and Feilong Liu sat there, sipping tea and breathing a sigh of relief.

"you must be content with our agreement!"Andreas said, "I know you are a real strong man, my son, it must be your apprentice!"

"Nonsense, I'll do what I can for the new baby!"

"To find a good master for the child, of course, we had a deal!"

Part of the reason the two crossed paths was that Liu Feilong nursed Andreas and fathered his offspring.

In the process, the two naturally talked about Andreas' future children.

They talked a lot, and Andreas knew that Liu Feilong was a master, but unlike Andreas, his student Kung Fu was not systematic, and his practice had been interrupted by a lack of nutrition, and now he was just a master class.Besides, he was the best at taking advantage of the situation, and to be honest, even in the hands of the first class, he was the nerve knife of the underworld, not the essence of his master.

If Andreas came up with the clichéd idea, or could take advantage of him, but the other party held out, he would fail.

But Liu Feilong was different.

Liu Feilong entered the Tao, he began to study medicine. In the process,

Liu Feilong often felt that if it was Feilong Liu then, he must have transcended the world and become a true master.

Andreas, however, saw Feilong Liu's greatness.

A little higher, that is extremely high, a fresh action can eat all over the sky, not to mention Liu Feilong's strength is not a minute and a half.

At this time, Liu Feilong, although he did not practice the Qiankun sword and ninja, he mastered the Yubu, but also the Kingkong Palm, eight steps three water, the small trill of the plum flower, flying knife stealth, all mastered incisively.

Such a famous teacher, where to look.

People want their children to have a good teacher.

Andreas was no exception. He had this idea before he had the baby, and now that the baby was born, he was even more emotional.

Liu Fei Long was really embarrassed. He can fight, he's good, it's true, but he doesn't want to be a teacher.

Receiving disciples is not an easy task. A true master, a true strongman, an apprentice are all very fastidious.

They fear nothing more than accepting incompetent disciples.

Wonder what the future holds for this child, what kind of character will be accepted?

If this disciple can't stand it, he should answer now, not for his own trouble!

"Liu Feilong, you don't want to backtrack!"

"Not that I want to backtrack, just put it this way!"Liu Feilong thought for a moment and said, "Well, you probably don't know my family.""I've been talking to you, but I haven't talked about my family. "

Andreas said, "Yes, this is quack, I see."

"Then I can tell you right now that our reputation is not very good in our field," Liu Feilong said.


"Let's call it dirty, spy."

"What?"Andreas was taken aback and said, "Doc, you're a good light fighter, but you also have good hands. How can you be a snitch? With your skills, this kind of combat, and being a Snitch, you can't mess around anywhere."

Most of the time, thieves are good at picking locks.But, it's just technique.

The foible of the flying thieves is their ability to strike the underhand, or to poison the smoke. Low 9, high 9.

A true quack, to talk about it, or to talk about actual combat skills, that is, Kung Fu combat.

"Do you know Shenlong Liu?"Feilong Liu ask.

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