Chapter 194


It's been five years since Lecter defeated Bruce that fateful night. And from that timeframe, a lot of things had happened.

"Dad, we'll miss the show. We have to go now," Liana, Lecter's daughter called out from the car.

Anna smiled while Lecter approached with a briefcase at hand.

"I can tell them to come perform for you here at the mansion, my princess," Lecter said to Liana but she rolled her eyes and pouted.

"It wouldn't be the same, dad. I want to watch the show with my friends too," Liana replied.

"Your daughter is very stubborn, Lecter James," Anna stretched forth her hand and took the briefcase from Lecter before he proceeded to kiss her lips.

"I wonder where she got that from," Lecter said sarcastically and Anna scoffed.

They soon got into the car and zoomed off. Along the way, Lecter's phone rang. It was the president.

"Mr President, you honor me with your call," Lecter said.

"Mr James. I want to personally thank you for what you did for our country. We would have
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