Logan's vision blurred as pain surged through his body. He could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth, and his world spun in disarray. Desperation and panic surged within him as he realized the futility of his attempts to reason with these relentless attackers.

But amidst the chaos and agony, Logan summoned a last reserve of strength. With sheer determination, he managed to push himself up, his battered body protesting every movement. Blood trickled down his face from a gash above his eyebrow.

"Stop!" he gasped, his voice ragged. "This won't solve anything. You've proved your point. Please, just let me go."

Carter's gang paused momentarily, their faces smeared with a mixture of rage and satisfaction. Carter himself looked down at Logan, a cruel grin tugging at the corners of his bruised lips.

"Let you go?" Carter sneered. "Oh no, Logan. You're going to remember this day for the rest of your life."

And with that, the savage beating resumed, each blow a cruel reminder of the hu
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