Logan remained crouched under the stairs, his breathing heavy and his heart pounding in his chest. This was a situation he had hoped never to encounter again, and he silently prayed that he wouldn't be noticed. As he waited anxiously, he began to notice shadows moving, further intensifying his fear. He held his breath, hoping they wouldn't detect him.

Suddenly, the figures came into view, but to Logan's immense relief, it was just a couple who lived in the apartment next to his on the second floor. He couldn't help but release a deep sigh of relief, which unintentionally drew their attention towards him. The lady was the first to spot him and asked quickly, "Logan, what are you doing?"

Logan stood up quickly, forcing a somewhat awkward smile, and replied, "I was trying to avoid you guys."

The boyfriend, Jack, noticed Logan's profuse sweating and remarked, "Logan, why are you sweating like a donkey?"

Logan shot Jack a quick annoyed glance but couldn't deny that his fear had caused his
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