Patrick gave a nod, feeling the seriousness sink in. Sam had no idea that Patrick was pulling the strings all along, and Baton was on Team Logan, not his.

As the two parted ways, doubt lingered in Sam's mind about Mr Patrick intentions. Trust was a delicate thing in their world, as they both knew about each other's big ambitions, likely the reason for their mutual lack of trust. The intricate game of allies and enemies went on, and Sam was left wondering if he'd taken a leap of faith or walked into a more tangled web of deceit.

Sam's mind remained chaotic, paced in the shadows, as a whirlwind of suspicions and strategies bothered him. While Patrick's cooperation seemed genuine, a part of Sam couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. He considered the possibility of eliminating Patrick once his usefulness had run its course, a harsh but practical reality in the dangerous world they inhabited. A sly smile crept across Sam's face as he thanked whatever misfo
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