
I pant heavily on a bended knee. Each time I fight Purple, it gets harder and harder. It is not just because of the emotions, but because it seems like Purple is getting stronger as well.

"I don't remember it being quite this difficult," I whisper to myself.

"Come on, Gabri, we don't have all day. Are you in or out?" Wincing, I slowly get up. "And she is in, Folks!" As soon as I straighten up, I am knocked down again by a strong force. Purple pins my legs and arms to the ground. I just stare up at the blue sky. Noticing that I am distracted, he follows my gaze.

"I miss them," I whisper. I watch as the clouds move across the sky, and I wish that I could go with them.

"You know they will back soon. Jaja." I shake my head.

"Not soon enough." Silence falls on the battlefield. After a couple of moments, I spoke up. "Purple, why do we fight even though we know the outcome?"

"There is always a chance things will be different."

"A chance? We have been fighting 14,998 times, and yet, this is the millionth and one realm."

"That's because somebody decided not to fight the first thousand times."

Still staring at the fleeting clouds, I respond, "That's because I thought I could save them with no violence."

"And how did that go for you?"

"We are here, aren't we?"

"We are here, but they're not."

"What was I supposed to do?"

"Let them die."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because they made their choice."

"It wasn't really a choice."

"There is always a choice, Briseño. Now, are we going to keep talking or do you want the clouds to be the last thing you see?"

Closing my eyes, I remark, "You can try, but while we were talking, I have been gathering energy." Purple starts to open his mouth, but then he looks down, finally noticing a knife that has been in his side for the past five minutes.

"That is nothing."

"Did I mention it was poisoned?"

Snickering, he exclaims proudly, "Very good, Briseño! One day, you will be like me." I open my eyes and watch as he flops to the side of me. Both of us lie on our backs, watching the sky that is so full hope, but it is impossible to reach. The grass caresses my face as I think. I can hear Purple close to death, but I push back the reset.

"Not yet," I whisper. I glance at Purple. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is starting to become steady. "That poison will put you to sleep and then kill you. That way you will die peacefully and with no pain." Sighing, I interlock my hands and put both them and my arms under my head. Once again, I look up towards the sky. "You keep saying it. Like HE did. 'There is always a choice.'" Purple's heartbeats become fainter and fainter each time blood is pumped into his main artery. "He would know what to do." I close my eyes once more and release the reset. Even though I couldn't see it, I know the sky was gradually becoming a bright white light. Before it consumed both me and Purple in its loving embrace, I softly say, "All I know is I am running out of time."

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