5 || Power Of Love.

Bulchewski High School.

Chloe’s POV.

"Class, turn your textbooks to page 18. There you will see the nine regiments of English Language or as I like to call them the nine commandments." Our English teacher, Mr George said with a toothy smile but everyone was clearly unimpressed by the poor attempt at a joke.

Like, come on......The nine commandments.... really? 

He noticed the lack of enthusiasm from the class, cleared his throat and continued. "Tough crowd hm? Anyways, you guys will learn all nine and tell me individually on Thursday." 

The class groaned in protest of the assignment. 

"Groan all you want, but that presentation makes up your CA for this week." Mr George said stubbornly. 

"Excuse me, sir, I don't know the ten commandments of the Bible, so how am I going to learn the nine commandments in three days?" Caleb said lazily. 

Everyone looked at Caleb with a pitiful shake of heads.

“Idiot.” Mabel scorned.

“Dumb cunt.” Caleb replied in a heartbeat and I snickered alongside a few others.

“Unless you two wish to have detention, I suggest you cease the insults.” Mr George warned.


I look up to see Liza showing me a huge cucumber. She then proceeds to do some pg18 things I'm not comfortable saying to the cucumber that trust me- shouldn't be done to a cucumber.

"Liza, that's disgusting." I scowled and she chuckled.

“Liza, this is English class, not Sex Ed, you need not teach Chloe how to give-“ He widened his eyes as he stopped himself. The class grinned knowing fully well what he was about to say. “Just stop doing that.” He cleared his throat.

I can not believe he almost said that! I chuckled and turned away from him. Betty was dozing off, I swear that girl sleeps in every English class. I don’t get it though, I mean, English wasn’t exactly boring. 

Or maybe it was, I never pay actual attention if I’m being honest! Mr George doesn’t believe in notes so it was hard for me to give him my full attention, most times I ended up doodling because unlike the rest of the class, I don’t particularly like sleeping in class.

“Sir, can’t you at least give us till Friday, hmm, hmm?” Caleb pleaded.


Mr George was cut off by an ear-splitting scream. Betty, alongside others who had been half asleep seconds ago, jolted awake. The class was still for a while, save for the spinning ceiling fans. What was that? Another ear-splitting scream is heard, this time it sounds even more excruciating than the last. 

“Remain seated, every single one of you. I am going to go see what’s happen…”

He trailed off as Mr Willis slowly walked along the window of our class. He paused momentarily and turned to us. “Help… me.” He coughed out blood and revealed a big missing piece of his arm before falling with a loud thud.


“Remain seated!” Mr George said and ran outside. The moment he stepped outside he was tackled by a bloody student. The sounds of skin tearing alongside his screams are heard and the class goes into a frenzy.

I blinked rapidly, trying to understand what was going on. My body trembled and my heart raced so hard I felt it would bust out of my chest, my breathing was slow and shallow, worried if I breathe any louder I would be noticed by whatever the fuck is killing people. I wiped the precipitation away and forced myself to calm down but I couldn’t, I was terrified, scared of the unknown.



Edward’s POV.

“I don’t get it, what's there to enjoy with your fellow man? I mean I understand why a girl can be attracted to a girl, but a man to a man? Bullshit I tell ya.” Chris concluded and took a long drag from his stick.

I was by the entrance, I didn’t join them to smoke despite not smoking earlier on, I was trying my best to stop as Chloe wanted. I smiled as I remembered the kiss from earlier, her lips were the sweetest.

Screams from various directions of the school are heard and I take a look to see what’s happening but the scenery was calm, as expected seeing as everyone other than him and his friends were in class. He turns to look away but the intensity increases.

“What is that?” Hunter joins me at the entrance.

“That’s the thing, I don’t know…. I trail off as a student with a missing arm runs past us. Were my eyes playing tricks on me?

“Bro, I thought I took a cigarette but it might be weed.” Hunter chuckled as he looked in the direction the student just ran from.

I didn’t say anything to that, I saw what he saw but how could I admit to that? More students begin to run in this direction now, screaming for their lives. I saw several other students throw themselves at them and tear off parts of them with their bare teeth.

“What… the..” Hunter takes a step back and the rest of my friends step forward.

“Holy Shit,” Chris swears and drops his stick.

Chloe, they are coming from her class direction! I stepped into the frenzy and ran. I couldn’t stop my body even if I wanted to, Chloe was in danger and I had to save her. She was what kept me sane in this insane world, my peace, my love, fuck she meant everything to me. That was all I could think of as I pushed through the chaos.


“Edward FUCK!” I heard my friends yell at me but they joined me regardless.

Chloe’s POV.

“ARE YOU INSANE?” Jordan held me back.

“KIRA IS OUT THERE!!” I yelled at him and tried to remove his grip but it was too tight. “Fuck, let me go!” I pushed him as I cried. 

“Chloe, please.” He begged.

“No! How do you expect me to remain here when people are eating each other right now??” The class had gone to shit. Jake, that bastard had run out first and others joined him.

“Look, this is why we have adults. I am sure they are..” He kept shut, unable to finish. How could he, when Mr George had been the one to attack Jake despite being bitten minutes ago.

“Chloe, I am sure Kira is safe, please calm down,” Rachel begged me.

“How... How can I, Rach? You’re the one who ran in here minutes ago and told us how a parent died, rose and bit Mr Wilson then attacked other students…. How am I so sure Kira isn’t..” My voice broke and I slacked in Jordan’s hold.

The door pulled open and everyone turned their attention to the cause, it was Edward and his friends. The four seniors were panting hard, they shut the door behind them quickly and bodies bumped into the door.

“Edward you fucking..” Chris grunted.

They fell slowly to the ground and shut their eyes. Edward had his hands on his knees as he calmed himself. He stared at me and all I wished I could do at that point was run into his arms, but I couldn’t.

“Babe! You came for me.” Mabel ran to him and wrapped him in a hug, she broke into hysterics saying she was terrified.

I looked away from them, my resolve to get to Kira strengthened. I pulled away from Jordan’s loose hold and packed my hair up. I tightened my shoelace and took off my blazer.

“Chloe, what are you doing?” Chris asked from the ground.

“I am going to get Kira.”

“You must be nuts, it’s a total nutcase out there.”

“You guys made it here, all the way from the other block.” I turned to them, eyes steeled with determination. “Kira is in this same building, the topmost floor. I can make it to her.”


"Look, I'm not asking you guys to help me. She's my responsibility. I'd rather die trying to save her than remain in the safety of this class."

"Chloe," Rachel whispered.

I smiled at them with trembling lips. “I love her.”

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