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Legacies of light Arc 4.02
While lying in my cell, I am forcibly woken up by the guards who are screaming, “GET UP!” Hearing his words, I jump from my sleeping position and run out the door of my cell. I am then guided to a large area filled with people, where I am then given a plate so I can collect my food for the day.Finally, I get to eat. Last night all I did was wish for some food, and now my wishes have been made through. While thinking back on last night, I wonder how I made it back to my cell. I thought I saw something inhuman carry me, but no one should have done something like that here.“Hurry up, get your food, or I will eat the rest.”Hearing the shouting of the guard serving the food, I run over so I can get some. When I get there, the guard puts a yellowish goop into my bowl. It smells rancid, but I doubt anything will come from complaining about it. I might as well sit down to eat.Sitting on the floor with my back against a wall, I devour my food nonstop. Not caring about either the taste or s
Legacies of light Arc 4.03
“Hey, Tom.”“What is it, Jerry.”“Should we stop this?” Jerry says as he looks at a strange sight. One of the prisoners is screaming commands at other prisoners, while using them as a chair and a footstool.“We are specifically only instructed to discipline them if they are trying to escape, or anything that could impact their work.”“But don’t you think that prisoner Willow is causing problems?”“Despite his dictator attitude, he is still doing his work, and the other slaves he commands have been working harder under his instructions. Not only that, but he has also made all the other slaves around more obedient; you know what you’re supposed to be doing. From my point of view, he has only helped. Maybe we should give him your job.”“Still, the number of slaves following his instructions increases every day. What if they rebel.”“Even if all these slaves could use spirit arts, I doubt they could escape in their condition, and the boy Willow was moved to an individual cell after this b
Legacies of light Arc 4.04
One month and a half earlierContinent: TerrafideLocation: Astral PlateauIt has been a few days since we left everyone in the tunnels. Since then, Me Maple and Sparrow have been travelling to Basileia, located in an area called the Astral Plateau.Upon reaching there, I was amazed that there were so many kinds of stones that I had only seen in books. It took every ounce of my willpower not to stop and get lost looking at them. Though I jump off Willow every now and again to pick up shiny rocks that I like, then I use my speed to get back in no time.We brought lots of carts with us, so we could carry food for everyone, but I have started filling them up with random rocks I found. I wanted to take some animals as well, but we had to feed whatever we could find to Willow.Though this place has one major downside, it is scorching so much that I can barely handle it. This must be how people feel going through Fimbulwinter, but the opposite. Maple was pleased to see me being affected by
Legacies of light Arc 4.05
Three days later“Where the hell is that girl,” I say as I melancholy stare up at the sky.“Orb, come get something to eat”, Maple says.While Atalanta has been gone, we had set up camp right were we hid when we first arrived. I didn’t know then, but it seems all the people from the Village packed a bunch of things without my knowledge. It seems they wanted us to be as prepared as possible. I have to thank them for the next time I see them.As I walk past an asleep Willow, I give him a rub on his head. Because we lack the food to keep him fed, he has begun hibernating and has been asleep for the past three days. It makes me sad that we have nothing to give him, but if we start feeding him out of our food, the supplies will be finished in no time. Still I didn’t want him to suffer alone, so I only fed sparrow the minimum he needed to survive.While I sit down and eat, my anxiety over the situation of everyone in Basileia continues to grow. What I eat is barely enough for me, and I am s
Legacies of light Arc 4.06
-Break-Φ Letting out a sigh of boredom, I wonder what I am doing here. I haven’t been able to help one bit. The only reason I was brought here was for my vision, but with the change of plans, my role has been voided. Even now, I don’t know what to do. I can’t spend time with Willow the 2nd because he is asleep, and Orb is doing something important right now.He has been trying out his legacy for the last month, figuring out what he can do to improve it. All I could do was watch from afar, which has helped me improve my sight bit by bit.While looking at Orb in total concentration, I feel even more useless than before. So, I let out another sigh in disappointment with myself, but as I looked up, I saw Atalanta grabbing Orb. “She is back,” I say as I start moving towards their position. How did she get so close to him without me seeing her? I guess my vision hasn’t gotten that much better.When I approach them, I am about to say something but see them already lost in conversation, disc
Legacies of light Arc 4.07
-Break-Φ “Hey, Willow.”“Hiya Jerry.”“What are you doing here on the 7th floor? I thought you were working on food today.”“Wow, I am surprised you know my schedule.”“Well, I plan to climb the ladder here, so I have to push myself to get there, so I can help mother.”“What a great goal. Answering your question, the reason I came down here was because I was worried about all you guys here. This floor is unstable, and I don’t want any of you hurt.”Rubbing my hand on his head, I say, “What a good boy you are.”“Stop it,” he tells me playfully.“But you don’t need to worry about me, since look at what I got.”“Isn’t that the strange voice machine you guys use?”“It’s called a kaidenwa. Well, this device must be strange to someone who grew up in a forest.”“If I remember correctly, you speak into it, and others hear.”“Yes, but only if they have one with a similar signal, and you need to use spirit energy to power it,” it feels sort of weird explaining how to use technology to one of t
Legacies of light Arc 4.08
Name: OrbAge: 15Birthday: Capricorn 28thHair: Primary White (standard), Red (anger), Green (excitement), Yellow (fear), Brown (nervousness), Grey (confusion), Cream (hunger), Lime (lying), Orange (discomfort), Black (worry), Pink (happiness), Purple (?), Gold (arrogance), Blue (embarrassed)Secondary: SilverEyes: Blue (left) and Gold (Right)Height: 168 cmLikes: Drawing, Food, Snow Sculptures, Books, Captivant, Wolfie, Draga, Meat, VillagersDislikes: Being left alone, Physical contact, Cliffs, weakness, Cole“Orb, this is a good spot.”“All right then, hold on,” I say as I move quickly so we can make it there undetected.I drop Maple in said spot and say, “Repeat the plan for me.”“As you sneak, I will watch you from afar and assist with long-range shots whenever you need help. And when you come out of the mine, I will tell Atalanta to get Willow the 2nd ready, and then we go.”“Now, tell me the route I am going to follow.”Maple tells me exactly how I am planning to reach the m
Legacies of light Arc 4.09
A little bit earlierHow boring this is constantly taking to all these grown children. The only things they ever talk about are their extraordinarily dull lives, or they keep asking the same question; when will you get married again? What idiots would ask a widowed old woman like me that? But what is worse is that they try to woo me with all they got, since if they can get me to marry one of them, Basileia would pass down to them.At least not all of them are idiots, the sharper ones among them have brought their daughter to seduce some of my family. They have probably guessed that the guards I have brought with me are probably the ones I am passing Basileia down to, and they would have been correct if Tana had been here. Still, that is no worry since Tana isn’t one to be swayed by women.“Good day, lady Morgon,” I hear a voice say behind me.Turning around to see who is calling me, I come across an unpleasant face “Oh, good day to you, sir Viktor”.Viktor Anwunta comes from a rather
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Arc 10.115: Serlasracht part 1
With Konrad, I spent years working and learning all he had to offer along with my peers. Inside that workshop we were not human and slaves, we were not strong and weak, we were equals with one another and for the first time in my life I could laugh alongside others.Our little family continued to grow because after every sale Konrad would bring another slave or human to our workshop, and say, "This is our new member, work them to death."Each of them where completely different than the last, but despite all of their differences they all had one similar trait, the fact that their eyes looked like they had given up on life.Despite his demeanour, and harsh tongue Konrad was a man who was as soft as a cloud, and all of us wished we could have laid on it for the rest of our lives.But peace is something easily taken from someone, and in exchange all that is left is chaos.Many didn't like the idea that so many of us slaves were being brought to a place where they weren't under watchful ey
Arc 10.114: Ferdiad part 6
Once we exit the staircase, he stops and takes many deep breaths as if he is about to collapse, and says, "Why?""It's because-." My tongue starts to feel tied, and I lose the ability to say anything.So Ferdiad says, "I didn't even know we had an area like this. You had to have had it custom built, and you used it, for a man like that! A man who hates you and beats you, he is a demon wearing human clothing!""NO! That is not true, your father didn't do anything wrong I did.""DID HE BEAT THE SENSE OUT OF YOU! Mother, he tried to kill you, kill me, kill Minagrain? Does this not make sense to you, he is a coward who allowed his brother to use you like a tool and then complained about it!""How do you know about that?""I wasn't a fool Mom; I watch and listen to see why my parents started hating each other. I know Mom, I know about Minagrains birth, and I am sure she does as well.""It was my fault for sleeping with that man.""That doesn't explain him trying to kill both me and Minagra
Arc 10.113: Ferdiad part 5
I sent the kids to bed and stayed awake all night waiting for him in our bed, eventually, he strolled back in, and I instantly moved towards him.Cambell was covered in wounds, so I ran up to him and asked, "What happened?"As I came up to him, I grabbed whatever I could see to put over his wounds, but he shouted, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" And swiped me away.Then he got up and started walking."Cambell, please let me help you!""If you want to help me, stay away and keep your daughter away from me as well. The only reason you get to stay here is because I need you so that my wage stays up, Ferdiad future is all that matters now."I freeze and stop momentarily, then say, "Minagrain is your-."He throws a bowl at the floor beside me then says, "Don't lie to me anymore, or I might just kill you."Cambell moves into our room and locks the door, and I just move beside it then start to cry while whimpering, "Sorry."Our days got harsher from then on.Minagrain and Ferdiad came into the house cryin
Arc 10.112: Ferdiad part 4
He was a rough and harsh man who cared only for himself the entire night. I had learned to wait through it when it came to people like him with a smile.He mumbled countless things to inflate himself as many others did, and I just responded with confirmation and an accepting face as I always did, but then he randomly came to a stop and asked me one question, "Am I better than my brother?"The face he gave me as he said this wasn't one of arrogance or pride, it wasn't one of a man looking for some sick pleasure in taking the woman who his brother sees as property, it was that of a man who was one moment away from breaking down.Seeing his expression I was shocked to silence and didn't answer his question which caused him to tear up and say, "I knew it, even in this moment I can still never beat him at anything."He collapsed in on me and started crying. I don't know if it was the shock of the situation or an instinct buried deep within me, but when I saw this man cry like he had just r
Arc 10.111: Ferdiad part 3
Swatting her away, I say, "I have no more time for the tricks of you snakes!"Pouting, she says, "I have no tricks, I would have you know that I just hate waste, and right now you're wasting your life.""It's none of your business how I live my life.""But my Faoláin blood is just commanding me to fix the misalignment in front of me."Turning to her, I say, "Faoláin blood?"Getting close to me again, she says, "My mother was a Faoláin, the wife of Bricriu.""That's impossible all of the Faoláin's except for Lugh were killed!"Dancing around like a fairy, "She was a woman named Airmedh a beautiful warrior who despite her gender was poised to be the next head of the Faoláin's for a time. The Faoláin head at the time cared very little for tradition. He favoured results. and she had many.Before Medb came there was a good chance she would be the first woman to ever be in charge of one of the four providences, and while many opposed this, many thought it made her the most precious jewel in
Arc 10.110: Keepsake part 3
Looking at me, the boy says, "You should have raised this boy to learn more respect, because that was completely ridiculous.""I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT FROM SOMEONE WHO GOES AROUND HITTING CHILDREN!"I instantly move towards my son and help him up, "Don't worry Kian, mommy is here. Does it hurt anywhere; do you need me to kiss your wound?"Pushing me back, he says, "Stop being so annoying and get off of me you old witch."The boy hits Kian back into the ground, and says, "Don't take that tone with your mother you brat, or I will be making sure you don't get up again after my next blow!"Ryan says, "Why are you here young man?"With a cocky smile, he says, "Wouldn't you like to know?"Emma takes off her shoes and then moves towards the boy to whack him, but Ryan stops her and she says, "Just let me give him one good whack to straighten out his head.""You can't do that, just look at how he carries himself he is obviously some sort of noble brat.""We already have one unruly brat to de
Arc 10.109: Keepsake part 2
That's why I accepted the request you made that day."Ryan, would you join me for the Laochs campaign?""Brother so far, we have only gone on monster hunting and slave catching with our band. Going to war, especially for the Laoch who have near-suicide tactics wouldn't be sane."Getting on his hands and knees, Cian says, "I know this might sound reckless, but I need the money.""Money? You know Mom and Dad will give you money for whatever you do.""Niamh is pregnant. They were close to kicking me out of the family when I married her. In their heads, they still think their perfect little boy will one day marry someone of high status and bring them prestige, so if they found out I got her pregnant I am sure they would maltreat her or even worse try something against her.So, I need to make as much money as possible and support my new family, and get her, my child, and you away from our heartless parents. I know this is selfish but there is no warrior I would ask to be by my side outside
Arc 10.108: Keepsake part 1
-One week Later-Location: Village of EasΦ I believe in true love.It is something I have always kept in my heart ever since I was a little girl.It isn't for any complex reason in the slightest, but just because my parents were always happy when next to each other.Both of them were strong people by themselves who could have lived fruitful lives on their own. Yet they choose to join together and the reactions that were caused by their union have made so much happiness that even people who don't know them can partake in it.The power of love is something that can bind people together, some think of it as a chain, but I think of it as a string. It is delicate and must be maintained because there is nothing easier to do than to break it.When I see two people who have gone through the effort to keep it maintained my heart just melts. I want that, I really do. So, during my younger years, I would spend my day playing with the little pixie wonderbeasts to look like a majestic beauty mys
Arc 10.107: The little shadow part 1
"Now as part two of my master plan, I will elicit a second grand reaction from you, and you will become so enthralled that you will answer all my questions. GENIUS, I SAY, GENIUS!""Danu must have blessed you with great amounts of beauty if you're also this dumb.""You think I am beautiful. Oh, you dirty dog trying to seduce me like that.""Women really only hear what they want to," I mutter under my breath.Getting up, she says, "Now as part two of my part two of my plan allow me to dance on your spine and get all of the evil out of your body!""Really how cool, just let me assume the position-, HELL NO!""Why? Shouldn't such an opportunity be appealing to your beastlike senses, you dirty dog.""Not a dog, and I don't like being stepped on by strange girls.""So, you like being stepping on?"Pausing for a moment, I say, "The idea of Minagrain sitting on my face is rather hot, but aside from that I don't care for such things."With a shaky, and surprized voice, she says, "Mother was r