Chapter 158: A Beautiful Ending
In a cozy café in the heart of London, Nate and Emma sat at a table near the large window. The café’s television broadcasted live coverage of James Rolling’s inauguration as the new leader of London. They watched attentively, enjoying the tranquil ambiance of the café while witnessing this historic moment with pride.

James’s speech began with a video clip showcasing his journey, accompanied by inspiring music. On the television screen, James stood at a podium adorned with the city of London’s flags, surrounded by important officials and guests.

James began his speech with a broad smile and a voice full of confidence. “Ladies and gentlemen, today is a very meaningful day for all of us. I stand here not only as an elected candidate but as a representative of everyone who believes in positive change and a better future.”

Nate and Emma exchanged glances, feeling inspired by James’s enthusiasm. Nate held Emma’s hand and gave a proud smile. They felt that all their efforts and sacrific
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