209: Their Plan

As Alina poured herself into the intricate web of organizing the auction, an underlying sense of anticipation lingered.

The attendance of Lord Z at the auction held the promise of unraveled mysteries and long-awaited revelations.

She declared, "The time has come to bring light to the shadows, to unlock the secrets that lie within. This auction will mark the turning point in my quest for knowledge and discovery. And I won't rest until every mystery is laid bare."


Meanwhile, a sense of urgency gripped Zayn as he realized he had to make his way to the Sultan's empire.

He urgently conveyed, "Zayed, now that I have been able to get in touch with Mr. Faez and Dahlia, I'm a bit satisfied. The fact that they're aware of what happened to Omar settles things a lit, it will make Omar happy seeing them."

With that settled, Zayn's attention turned to a new challenge that awaited him.

His father, Shaquille, had unexpectedly summoned a meeting with the company's representatives to discuss t
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