Chapter Thirteen

he hadn't expected the call. he hadn't even expected himself to agree to meet her for the second time today.

he didn't have much work to do right now, so he picked up his keys and went to his car.

he drove to the venue and he saw her standing by the side of her car, looking dejected.

he went to her.

"what's the problem?" he asked her

she forced a smile. "it's my mom" she said "I had a fight with her and now I don't want to go back home"

"it's fine. we can go to my house " he found himself saying to her. he hardly ever visited his bungalow but he always sent workers to keep it clean. he didn't want her to visit his family house where he lived in because most of his illegal mafia activities took place there and it required confidentiality.

"really?" she grinned broadly "that's cool"

he led her to his car and began to drive her to his house. on the way, they stopped to buy groceries.

they finally reached his house.

"wow!" she said as she came out of the car "it's a beautiful house"

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