Chapter 8 : Obtain New Skill

Since it was still ten in the morning, Timothee decided to go back to rest so he would have enough energy to do his daily quest.

After all, Timothee only had two kinds of quests from his daily quest series.  He could sleep peacefully now without thinking about the burden of his daily quests.

 .  .  .

When he woke up, Timothee found his body much better.  He decided to get up from his sleep to stretch his stiff body from sleeping continuously.

Just a few steps Timothee stumbled across a pile of books under his bed.

"What the hell is this?"  Timothee muttered as he couldn't remember keeping a book near his bed.

Timothee bent down to pick up the book, then when he read the title of the book, he immediately knew that it was the book Violette had spoken of this morning.

Interested by the pile of books, Timothee sat himself on the floor and began to read the book at the top of the pile.

The title of the book was 'Basic Potions'. Timothee knew these books would help him learn about potions.  If he wanted Violette to teach him about potions, then he had to study all of these books.

Timothee sat there and suddenly forget the time. Not long after that, he got up from his seat while carrying the book downstairs, somehow he felt hungry again.

While walking down the stairs, Timothee continued to read the book in his hand.  He was so serious that he was scolded by Giselle who saw it.

“Young Master, don't read while turn down the stairs like that, or you might fall."  Giselle was worried when she saw that Timothee was still not listening to her words.

“Giselle can you make some snacks for me?”  asked Timothee ignoring Giselle's advice to him.

Giselle shook her head slowly, "Young Master, you can sit in the living room first, I'll make some snacks for you soon," Giselle answered and went to the kitchen.

Still, with the book in hand, Timothee walked to the living room and sit on the sofa to continue reading while waiting for Giselle to bring her snacks to him.

After reading it for a while, Timothee realized that what Violette said to him was true.  Making potions was not as easy as he imagined, Timothee had to use the mana in his body to mix the ingredients for the potions.

“System, do you think I can actually make potions?”  Timothee asked in his mind to System.

[Host must be able to do it, otherwise the task given by System will not be completed and Host will be penalized for it]

"But... You know that my body is too weak, how can I produce so much mana to make potions," Timothee replied then pondered over the possibilities.

[It's better for Host to meditate so Host's body can slowly recover]

Even after hearing System's suggestion, Timothee decided to do what System suggested to him.

Timothee marked the book and placed it beside him.  After that, Timothee cross his legs and start his meditation.

 .  .  .

Giselle walked excitedly carrying the cookies she made for Timothee to the living room, but she instantly stopped in her steps when she saw Timothee is meditating.

Giselle didn't want to disturb her young master either, she stepped slowly and put the cookies she had made on the table and chose to wait for Timothee to finish his meditating.

Bored of waiting for Timothee to finish his meditation, Giselle glanced at Timothee and found the book the young man had been reading, with curiosity Giselle stretched out her hand to look at the book.

However, before Giselle's hand could reach the book, her hand was held by Timothee who still had his eyes closed.

Giselle rolled her eyes in surprise when she saw Timothee's hand holding her.  Feeling the disturbance, Timothee opened his eyes slowly and looked at Giselle and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Huftt, fortunately if it's you, Giselle," said Timothee with a small smile at Giselle who was still in shock.

Giselle quickly regained her senses and smiled back at Timothee.  "Young Master, I've made a snack as you requested."  Giselle handed Timothee the cookies she had made earlier.

“Thank you," replied Timothee taking the jar of cookies from Giselle.

After getting his snacks, Timothee directly up from his seat and left the living room.  Seeing that, Giselle called Timothee.

“Young Master where do you want to go?”  Giselle asked.


Without explaining further, Timothee stepped into the backyard and took his steps towards the large tree that was there.

Just as Timothee was about to sit himself under the tree, he was startled by a notification sound from the system which disturbed him.


[Quest 4: Climb the big tree

Notes: Quest must be done immediately]

Timothee rolled his eyes bored when he heard the quest the System had given him, this bastard system gave him another ridiculous quest.

"Damn you, System."

Lazy to find trouble with the System, Timothee quickly took steps to climb up the tree.  Fortunately, the tree in the backyard of his house has many branches and many leaves, making it easier for him to climb.

How surprised Timothee was when he reached the top of the tree, suddenly a light breeze touched his face gently which made his mind calm.

Timothee also decided to go back to meditation, although the place was a little uncomfortable, but the atmosphere here made him very calm and could help him concentrate more on his meditation.

After entering his subconscious, Timothee did not know how long he had been meditating on the tree because he was focused on meditating.

 .  .  .

Again, Timothee was surprised by the System notification and immediately broke his concentration.  Timothee slowly opened his eyes and finished his meditation.

However, how excited was Timothee when he heard the notification said by the System at that time.


[Obtain basic meditation skills]

“No way!  I obtained a skill!”  Timothee was excited when he found himself getting skills from the system.


[Name: Timothee Bailey

 Alliance: Numerion Kingdom, Bailey Family (Exiled)

 Other Status: Weak body and Curse (Can be healed)

 Class: None

 Title: None

 System Favor Points: 52

 Level : 0

 Exp: 0/1000

 (Unused Exp: 115)


- Basic Meditation (Passive Skill) Lv.0 ]

Timothee laughed happily when he saw his skill had appeared in his status window, although basic meditation was a passive skill, he was still happy to get it.

“System, how does this skill work?”  Timothee asked System, leaning against the tree branch behind him.

[Passive skills will activate immediately, automatically relating to the host's body.  While the active skill must be activated manually, the Host can call the skill to activate it]

It turns out that the skills that the System means work more or less similarly to the online games that existed in his old world.

“Okay, I understand.  Then, what is the usage of the basic meditation skill I just got?”  asked Timothee curious about the skill he just got.

[The basic meditation skills that Host gets can be useful to make it easier for Hosts to meditate and are more effective than ordinary meditation]

“Great!  I have to try it!”

Just as Timothee was about to try to meditate again, he heard someone calling his name from below.

When Timothee looked under the tree, he found Armand calling out to him.  Quickly, Timothee fell down from the tree and approached Armand.

"Why you call me?"  asked Timothee when he was in front of Armand.

“Great Master is looking for you, Young Master…”

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