Academy Falls

The blast of telekinetic power slammed into the boy at full strength, and the effects were devastatingly destructive.

One moment the boy was standing there with a shocked and terrified look on his face, the next a mist of red was all that remained.

The boy had been completely and totally obliterated, disintegrated by the telekinetic forces into a fine mist of blood where nothing else remained.

The blast of power continued onward for a few more meters before finally fizling out into nothing.

“You would sacrifice your own teammate so callously?” Alexei called out, “That’s not the sort of behaviour that we were taught in the academy and you know it.”

The woman smirked, “Yeah, well maybe that’s why so many of the Royal Defence Corps end up dead.”

Alexei shook his head, he knew that wasn’t the case, he knew that it was because the Administrar was betraying each and every one of them, but somehow he didn’t think that the woman in front of him would care.

She was too far gone for that.
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