Becoming One

Alexei’s mind followed the trickle of power down its path toward his staff and his mind blossomed with potential.

It was like discovering a part of himself that he’d never even known was there, lurking in the background, now thrust out into the fore to be observed in all of its resplendent beauty.

It was enough to almost take his breath away, but no, his breathing stayed strong and steady, for that was the link and tether binding him to his weapon.

The potential of the thing stretched forward into the future and into the past, and far beyond even both of those.

He saw weapons that made no sense at all.

Handles with blades of light humming from the tip. Handheld things that launched gouts of plasma across a room. Large sticks that could send out powerful explosive blasts that would eviscerate anyone in the immediate vicinity.

His weapon wasn’t just a staff, it wasn’t just a foci, it was a rumbling orb of energy and potential buried away at the heart of the wood grains ready and w
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